Rating3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5 3.33 / 5
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Combining screencasting, desktop control, and an interactive whiteboard in one app, you’ll never have to turn your back to the class or audience again. Create a lesson or presentation, insert images, save and edit your project and record a screencast video you can easily save or share. Doceri does it all!

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  • Doceri Interactive Whiteboard Screenshot 0
  • Doceri Interactive Whiteboard Screenshot 1
  • Doceri Interactive Whiteboard Screenshot 2
  • Doceri Interactive Whiteboard Screenshot 3

2 Activities

  1. Derek Borman - MCC says:

    Selected this app to use in a number of ways–screencasting, remote control of classroom PC, interactive whiteboard. Have used with fairly good success in statistics classroom.

    Pros: Students appreciate that presentations in class can be uploaded and accessed immediately. Fairly reliable. Handwriting seems to be better than Explain Everything handwriting. Virtual wrist guard come in handy. Limited but useful timeline editor. Runs wonderfully through Apple TV Airplay. Fairly reliable remote control of computer (must install desktop software)–allows for annotation over computer content. Biggest pro for me is the fact that I can move back and forth between different Doceri slides and when I export the content, the video will perfectly mirror this slide-to-slide, progressive delivery of content. Vital for statistics tutorials. Video format not proprietary (such as with LiveScribe), so can save videos, combine, go back and edit in video editor, as need be. Highly recommended app.

    Cons: Export and sharing options not as robust/intuitive as Explain Everything options.

  2. Roxanne Klassen - MCC says:

    I used this for my math classes to record explanations of word problems. I could easily use it on my ipad and upload to canvas. I appreciated the ease of use and my students said they liked the quality of the videos. I also used this in my math for elementary educAtion teachers for them to share with each other their problem solving. I like apps that do not take a lot of training to use and that are high quality. I highly recommend this app.

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Learning Activity Use Cases

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  • Why did you choose it?
  • How did the students respond?
  • How did the App impact learning?
  • How did it help you achieve your lesson objective(s)?

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