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LinkGoogle Forms

Google Forms


Create a Google form

Google Forms is a useful tool to help you plan events, send a survey, give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. A Google form can be connected to a Google spreadsheet. If a spreadsheet is linked to the form, responses will automatically be sent to See More

One Activity

  1. Beth Alsen - Mesa Community College says:

    Hey roadies…so are you looking for a survey? Well, I must say that I absolutely love google forms! It is so easy to use that kids can use it, too! For example, when my daughter was in sixth grade, the President of the School, she would embed her form in google email to poll the students about topics they were exploring to enhance their school! And, with this this instance feedback… So why google over others? I absolutely love that you can view as an excel spreadsheet or in a word document. And, sometimes, this is much easier on the eyes.

    Attached to this is a google form, that the college eLearning Committee designed for faculty to adopt to use to reflect on their course design and delivery to find out how the learners viewed their design and instruction. When faculty use the form, they can copy it and either add or delete questions that are more informative to them. The idea behind this, was to give faculty a starting point and have them adopt it to their needs so that they could reflect on their practice.

    eLearning Course Design and Delivery form:

    So, don’t hesitate and go google!

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Learning Activity Use Cases

Explain in the field below how you used the App in a lesson and the outcome. Feel free to link to examples using this tool!

  • Why did you choose it?
  • How did the students respond?
  • How did the App impact learning?
  • How did it help you achieve your lesson objective(s)?

Be specific with details so others can learn from your experience.