Rating1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 5 4.00 / 5



Create timelines, share them on the web

Timetoast is a great way to share the past, or even the future…
Creating a timeline takes minutes, it’s as simple as can be.

Can other people see my timelines?

Once you ‘publish’ your timeline it will be listed on the site and anyone will be able to view it.

How do I share my timelines with other people?

Your timeline has to have been published to be seen by other people. You can change the publish status of a timeline from the “my timelines” screen. Once a timeline has been published, you will see the embed link when viewing it. Copy the embed code from the box (right-click -> copy) and paste it where you want to display your timeline.

Can I print a timeline?

If you visit the timeline page and click “text view” you will see the timeline displayed in table format for printing.

What do I need to use Timetoast?

You need to have Flash Player 9.0 or above installed. If your device or computer doesn’t have Flash Player installed, or you choose not to use it, you can still access the timeline information in text format by clicking the “text view” link on the timeline page.

One Activity

  1. Melanie Kroening - Mesa Community College says:

    This is an easy to use digital tool for creating timeline. Each event on the timeline can have an image, a link, a title, and a description. It is not quite as full featured as Dipity in that video/mapping is not an option but it is a very easy to use tool. The timeline also has a ‘text’ view which makes the list of events easy to read for grading purposes.

    Samples: http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/dental-assistant, http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/98610, http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/thomas-aedison, http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/helen-keller–99,

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Learning Activity Use Cases

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  • Why did you choose it?
  • How did the students respond?
  • How did the App impact learning?
  • How did it help you achieve your lesson objective(s)?

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