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iTunes LinkFlashToPass Free Math Cards

FlashToPass Free Math Cards


FlashToPass is an easy-to-use, elegant program designed to facilitate mastering the basic math facts studied in Elementary School.


-Randomly generated card sets.

-Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Mixed sets.

-Six levels of difficulty per mathematical operational

-Customized sets allow practice of particular sets, such as “two’s” in addition.

-Captivating sound effects and animations!


  • FlashToPass Math Flash Cards Screenshot 0
  • FlashToPass Math Flash Cards Screenshot 1
  • FlashToPass Math Flash Cards Screenshot 2
  • FlashToPass Math Flash Cards Screenshot 3

One Activity

  1. Delia Garcia-Soto says:

    Used with my grandson. He liked that he recognized the numbers and then learned the equation.

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Learning Activity Use Cases

Explain in the field below how you used the App in a lesson and the outcome. Feel free to link to examples using this tool!

  • Why did you choose it?
  • How did the students respond?
  • How did the App impact learning?
  • How did it help you achieve your lesson objective(s)?

Be specific with details so others can learn from your experience.