Rating1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 5.00 / 5
iTunes LinkSurveyMonkey



Take the world’s leading survey platform with you wherever you go! Send surveys and monitor your results in real time, or take surveys and help a participating charity — all on your iPhone and iPad.

SurveyMonkey is trusted by more than 60 million users, including 98% of the Fortune 500.

Send Surveys
Create any type of survey with our easy-to-use builder and get the results you need to make better decisions.

● Create a survey from scratch or choose a custom template
● Send your survey out through email, text, or social media
● Filter, compare, and analyze your results in real time
● Display your data in different charts and tables
● Protect your data with HIPPA-compliant features and SSL

Take Surveys
Share your opinions, help charities, and earn chances to win prizes with SurveyMonkey Contribute.

● Take surveys based on your personality and interests
● Choose a participating charity to support
● Earn chances to win prizes and charity donations for every survey you take

SurveyMonkey is free to download and use. SurveyMonkey PRO plans offer even more powerful features and are available through an auto-renewing subscription.

● SELECT monthly for $25.99 USD*
● SELECT annual for $229.99 USD*

Subscription will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. You will not be able to cancel a subscription during the active period. Manage your subscriptions in the App Store Account Settings after purchase. SurveyMonkey Contribute is only available in United States at this time.

*Subscription prices may vary based on your country of purchase

Privacy Policy: https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy/
Terms of Use: https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/terms-of-use/


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One Activity

  1. Lutfi Hussein says:

    I’ve used this app in an ESL class. I’ve asked students to work in pairs or small groups to construct surveys about a variety of topics, ones that they choose. Then they present on their surveys, explaining the topic, the rationale, and the study. This activity gives them the opportunity to learn about good practices in constructing surveys, their justification, uses. Besides, they improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills in doing so.

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Learning Activity Use Cases

Explain in the field below how you used the App in a lesson and the outcome. Feel free to link to examples using this tool!

  • Why did you choose it?
  • How did the students respond?
  • How did the App impact learning?
  • How did it help you achieve your lesson objective(s)?

Be specific with details so others can learn from your experience.