Welcome to the Fall Semester!
Welcome back Mesa Community College! Already you have been hard at work preparing for your first days of class and diligently striving to create meaningful learning experiences for your students this semester. In just our one week back, we have been lucky to witness the fabulous, collaborative, innovative work that many of you are planning! First, we were wowed by the astounding collaboration of the faculty in the Music Department with their enthusiastic and energetic participation in a day long workshop. The faculty in the music department gave us a happy reminder that you, our content matter experts and educators, with your knowledge and experience, bring our curriculum to life and make a huge difference in our students lives. Then we were lucky to be amazed by the “New Faculty” we have at MCC this year. MCC grows stronger every year as we hire dedicated faculty such as this years NFE Cohort. They are off to a fabulous start with excitement, collaboration, and a quest to make a difference in the lives of every student they teach.
We look forward to working with more of you this year in your teaching and learning endeavors! Please feel free to share with us your department initiatives and/or your personal projects so that can better support all you do in the classroom. Check out our fall calendar of events including fun topics such as:
- Google Voice is Calling You!
- What’s Your Point? Writing Objectives
- Screencasting for Learning
- Hiring the Best
and more! Check out the calendar!
-Jennifer @ jstrickland@mesacc.edu