Turnitin Revision Assistant Demonstration
Revision Assistant Demonstration Maricopa is investigating the opportunity to become an early adopter of a new tool called Revision Assistant to help students in the writing process. The primary audience is writing faculty, especially developmental and freshman composition courses. We are excited about this opportunity as a District and want to help you learn more about this leading edge tool. On Monday, November 23, 2015, Turnitin visited GateWay Community College to deliver live demonstration Revision Assistant. This tool is a proprietary product in early adopter phase and subsequently available to limited audiences. Turnitin permitted us to record the session to share with faculty who were unable to attend the live demo, but it is important that the demonstration video not be shared with anyone outside of MCCCD at any time.
Once we determine if we have enough interest in this program, we will follow up with planning and implementation details. Thank you for your interest. |
Project Team |
Melissa VerSchage |
Jeff Anderson |
Karen Russo |