CTL Blog

Green Zone Training Flyer Image

Faculty Development Opportunity-Green Zone Training

On behalf of MCC Veterans Services Office we are pleased to announce an opportunity to engage in the community of students who are veterans and the staff/faculty that interact with them. Refer to this Intranet Post.

Complete this online; self-paced course and, if eligible, earn 1.5 hours of FPGSearch for Green Zone on the ELC search page: https://maricopa.learn.taleo.net/Page/3/

MCC is currently recognized as an Arizona Veteran Supportive Campus by the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Service. However, in order to accomplish this, we must commit to bi-annual recertification that includes staff and faculty training in military cultural awareness. Military Cultural Awareness training provides staff and faculty with a deeper understanding of the strengths that military-affiliated students bring to the classroom, as well as awareness of related issues, such as Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, physical and mental disabilities, Military Sexual Trauma and specific social challenges, like hyper-vigilance and isolation.

The term Green Zone comes from the safe zone area in Iraq during wartime and that name was adopted as the title of the training so military/veteran students feel safe with the person who attended the training as they should understand the issues that the student faces.

This course will:

  • Provide an overview of key elements of the Military-to-Student, Military-to-Employee, or Employee-to-Military experience
  • Enhance the participant’s understanding of the military culture, common challenges Veteran students/employees face, and existing resources to support Veteran success
  • Help participants understand and appreciate the importance of fostering an environment of trust, safety, and inclusivity
  • Identify how Green Zone “Basic Training” aligns with and supports Maricopa diversity and inclusion efforts

Help us better serve those who have so selflessly served by taking some time to complete the “Green Zone” training found in the Employee Learn Center.

Complete this online; self-paced course and, if eligible, earn 1.5 hours of FPGSearch for Green Zone on the ELC search page: https://maricopa.learn.taleo.net/Page/3/

NOTE: This course will earn 1.5 hrs of faculty professional growth.

Inspire Learning

High Impact Practice Spotlight Sessions

Mark your calendars! On Thursday, January 13 from 8:00AM-10:40AM colleagues will share High Impact Practices that are making a difference in their work with students. In these brief, 30-minute sessions, MCC employees will share what they are doing, describe the impact to teaching and learning, and invite feedback from peers. Virtual and in-person sessions will be available.

High Impact Practice Spotlight Sessions Schedule

There is a body of research published by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) and the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) that offers a roadmap to evidence-based high impact practices that elevate academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, and a supportive campus environment. These practices include:

  • First-Year Seminars and Experiences
  • Common Intellectual Experiences
  • Learning Communities
  • Writing and Inquiry-Intensive Courses
  • Collaborative Assignemnts and Projects
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Diversity/Global Learning
  • Service Learning, Community-Based Learning
  • Internships
  • Capstone Courses and Projects
  • ePortfolios
  • Accelerated Developmental Education
  • Tutoring
  • Orientation

And, according to the AACU (2017):

  •  Student participation in one or more of the 10 original HIPs is associated with a range of positive outcomes, especially for those historically underrepresented in postsecondary education.
  •  HIPs are developmentally powerful because they require applied, hands-on, integrative, and often collaborative learning experiences.
  •  Sadly, HIPs participation is inequitable, with first generation, transfer students, and African-American and Latino students least likely to have such experiences.
  • Among the challenges to institutionalizing HIPs are demonstrating the fiscal benefit of increased graduation rates, changing academic reward systems to support faculty and staff involvement in HIPs, and acknowledging HIPs in the institutional data system.

However, “simply offering and labeling an activity an HIP does not necessarily guarantee that students who participate in it will benefit in the ways much of the extant literature claims” (Inside Higher Ed, 2018). The quality, scale, and intensity by which we enact high impact practices at will have a significant impact on the student expreience and student outcomes which are quantified by our wildly important college goals.

Chromebook on a desk next to some books

Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebooks

To our teaching and learning community who have stuck with the online assessment process:

You may have had students in the past who purchased their own Chromebook in lieu of a traditional Windows PC Laptop or macOS laptop simply because of the cost savings when being told that online learning at MCC was a requirement due to the campus being shut down in March 2020. When it came time for them to take a high-stakes exam, you may have elected to use Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor in Canvas.

In the past, personally owned Chromebooks were not supported, so your students would have had to borrow a device that Respondus Lockdown Browser officially supported or come to campus to use a computer that was supported.

We are pleased to announce that after a relatively short beta testing period, that personally-owned Chromebooks are now natively supported for Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor. There is nothing you need to do to specifically enter the Chromebook setting in the Lockdown Browser Canvas interface. Chromebooks just work now. Hooray!

Featured Image: Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash


WebEx@MCC to WebEX@Maricopa

The MCC instance of WebEx is being consolidated to the District instance. What that means is the @MCC version will no longer be available after this semester. Most everyone is already in the Maricopa instance but if you are not, you will need to convert your log in to the @Maricopa log in and reschedule future (winter intersession or spring semester) so they are on the Maricopa instance. ALSO, its important to note, that if you have recordings on the @MCC instance you will need to download those to your computer. Beginning December 18 at 5:00 pm you will not be able to access them any longer.

Uncertain which one you are on? Open up your gmail or google calendar, click the WebEx icon on the right side of the screen and check the “Webex site” location – it should read: maricopa.webex.com and your account should be meid@maricopa.edu. If it does not say maricopa.webex.com and instead it says mesacc.webex.com you will need to change the site. To do that follow these instructions.

Image of Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons Cleaning a Computer Screen

Tidy Up Your Canvas Grade Book

Now that Fall Semester 2020 is over, you may have some questions about how the Canvas Grade Book is organized. Importing assignments and adding new assignments ad hoc may have you and your students scratching their heads on what grade they are going to be awarded in their transcripts. Let the CTL experts show you how to organize everything for the optimal student experience. There will be a total of 4 sessions on these dates and times:

Monday Dec 7, 2020 at 10:30am
Monday Dec 7, 2020 at 2:30pm

Wednesday Dec 9, 2020 at 10:30am
Wednesday Dec 9, 2020 at 2:30pm

Hosted by James Bowles and Jeffrey Anderson

All sessions will be conducted via Webex via this link: https://maricopa.webex.com/meet/jbowles1. Just pick a session from those listed above and click on the Webex link to join.

You can also see these and other future events like them on the CTL calendar: https://ctl.mesacc.edu/opportunities/calendar/

See you there!

Webex Breakout Rooms stylized to appear as a Kit Kat wrapper.

Webex Breakout Room Training

Webex has introduced breakout rooms! This workshop will cover the basics of setting up breakout rooms, leveraging new features for hosting, and more! The first sessions will be held:

  • Tuesday, September 29, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
  • Wednesday, September 30, 1:30pm – 2:30pm

See the CTL Calendar for meeting details and future sessions!

“Brake me off a piece of that Breakout Room!”


At MCC, the CTL and eLearning stand with #blacklives matter. We believe in a country that embraces diversity where everyone belongs. We reject racism in all its forms.

It starts with you! Let's reach 100% completion.

Help Reach the 100% Completion Goal!

Current Completion

Are you teaching an online course this summer? Complete the eLearning at MCC Canvas course! This brief course will expose you to the MCC eLearning expectations, online syllabus requirements, communication strategies, and more! Apply new knowledge to your online teaching practice.

Help us reach our goal of 100% completion for summer instructors!

Postcard Ad

Online Teaching Professional Development

In spring 2020, many instructors transformed their instructional practice to emergency remote teaching. Well-planned online learning experiences are meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to a crisis or disaster. MCC will continue to expand online course offerings. All instructors teaching online or hybrid courses are invited to participate in this 2-part professional development series and plan or refine their courses.

  • Attend both sessions and schedule a 1:1 consultation with a CTL/eLearning designer to show how you are applying the online course templates to your practice. You may attend the sessions in person (virtually) or watch each recorded session.
  • Explore the CTL calendar for additional trainings.

Online Course Planning, Part 1

Each semester, instructors make decisions about their instructional practice. Course duration, modality, instructional materials, trends in the field, and more influence course planning. During this session, faculty will explore a three-pronged approach to course planning: What do you teach? Which instructional materials will you use? How will you evaluate student learning? These fundamental principles of course design should be applied to each new semester, especially when there is a change in the course modality (e.g. in person to online). Engage with a process to plan your summer online courses.

Live Online Sessions: Most Mondays and Tuesdays

Part 1 Resources

Online Course Design, Part 2

Effective online learning is relative to these seven dimensions: pacing, pedagogy, instructor role online, student role online, online communication synchrony, role of online assessments, and source of feedback. Leveraging tools in the college learning management system is also a key to success. During this session, faculty will explore a Canvas course template to inspire online course design. All participants will have access to use and adapt the template to their summer online course design.

Live Online Sessions: Most Wednesdays and Thursdays

Part 2 Resources

CTL Course Template Tutorial

Join any of these in-person (virtual) training sessions:

Megan Garvy’s Personal Room
https://maricopa.webex.com/meet/mgarvy | 969623571

Join by phone
+1-602-666-0783 United States Toll (Phoenix)
Access code: 969 623 571