Tag Archive: discussion boards
Important Notices
- Changes to Withdrawn/Dropped students in Canvas: Soon you may notice a change in how we handle Withdrawn and Dropped students in Canvas. No longer will they appear in the ‘completed’ state in Analytics and Grades within your courses. Withdrawn and Dropped students will be completely removed from the course. If you need to see their data or if the student is re-added to the course (through SIS) all of their work and grades will reappear. This is a change the district has made from the current processes.
Current Updates – January/February Release
- Closed Captioning: Instructors can now add closed captioning to any video created or uploaded in Canvas and students can add captioning to their own videos. Note: Videos embedded from YouTube or other sources will have to include captioning from the source file.

- Improvements for iOS Devices: The majority of videos in Canvas will now play on iOS Devices, like iPads making it easier for all students to access your content across devices.
- Convenient Discussion Settings: Discussion board settings are now linked from the discussion board page making it easier for instructors to set specific permissions like file attachments or allowing students to create their own discussion topics. These settings were previously only available in the Course Settings area.

- All the Small Things! A new Printer Friendly Option has been added to the student gradebook making it easier for students and faculty to print grades. Students are also able to quickly move from one course grade view to another.