Call for Gold Star Applications
Mentees and Mentors Spring 2015
Application Due Date, Thurs. Feb 5, 5 pm
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning in collaboration with the eLearning Committee announces the Call for Applications for Mentees and Mentors to participate in the Gold Star Program for Spring 2015. Gold Star is a faculty-centered, training and peer-review process to support MCC faculty developers (mentee) to redesign an existing or develop a new Internet or hybrid course based on the QM Rubric. The Spring 2015 Program includes both individuals and/or collaborative teams.
Faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course.
Collaborative Teams:
Inner-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course. Not to exceed more than 3 members per team.
Additionally, the faculty developers are paired with a Gold Star Program Mentor. The Mentor supports with the design of the Mentee’s online or hybrid course.
Program Dates:

To learn more about the Gold Star Program and to submit an application to participate as Gold Star Mentee or Mentor, go to: Gold Star
Questions – Contact – Annapurna Ganesh, Gold Star Coordinator
Email:; Phone: 480-461-7305
Curb Appeal: Course Redesign
eLCoP: eLearning Community of Practice Session at Paradise Valley Community College
Thursday, January 23, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Q Bldg Classroom 130
Sponsored by the PVCC Center for Teaching & Learning & MCLI
The eLCoP is composed of faculty and staff dedicated to the research, discussion and dissemination of best practices for eLearning at Maricopa. eLearning includes courses taught hybrid and online, those using a college Learning Management System and learning that occurs via alternative delivery methods. eLCoP is open to all faculty and staff who are interested in positively impacting student learning outcomes through the creation and adoption of eLearning best practices.
Register Today:
Session Details:
This session will walk you through the redesign process of a traditional online course. The Instructional Design Team took an outdated look and feel of a traditional course and redesigned it with visual and graphic design elements. While the content has always remained relevant, the visual elements could have been better. Think of curb appeal, the outside may not represent the inside. Participants will be able to see how this course has morphed over time using strategies that can be duplicated and replicated in any course and delivery format.
Who Should Attend this Session:
Faculty and staff interested in best practices to improve student success. Do I need to be teaching an online class to attend? No! Library electronic resources can be used by any class format.
Don’t Miss Out! Register Today!
If you have any questions about registration, please contact Jeannette Schaffer at the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction. (480) 731-8297.