Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Reflective educators regularly self-assess and gather feedback from students and peers to identify opportunities for growth. They pursue improvement to their practice by engaging with professional development and scholarship. As members of a learning community, reflective educators also share their scholarship of teaching and learning with others.
The community college faculty will…
- Assess professional practice.
- Solicit feedback from students and peers.
- Examine current trends in the discipline or academic field (e.g. professional organizations, conferences, journals, reading in the discipline, field work or clinical experience, etc.).
- Demonstrate the use of current teaching and learning theory and practice.
- Implement and share action research related to teaching and learning.
- Collaborate with colleagues both in and out of discipline or academic field (w.g. develop shared educational materials, peer observation of teaching, mentoring programs, communities of practice, etc.).
- Contribute to the discipline or academic field as appropriate (e.g. publications, presentations at discipline-based conferences, poster sessions, writing articles, editing learning material, curriculum development, field work, sharing clinical experience, contributing to open/textbooks, sharing research with peers, etc.)
Professional Development
To earn a completer certificate, faculty must demonstrate evidence of meeting all of the teaching practice outcomes. Outcomes may be met with a combination of required and/or elective courses. Access the CTL calendar to explore upcoming sessions.

Small Group Instructional Diagnosis
SGID’s are a nationally recognized methodology for improving classroom instruction, management, etc. by identifying consensus of core strengths and areas of improvement based on student feedback. The SGID process gathers your students into focus groups to gather their views and perceptions of their course experience. Contact the CTL to learn more about SGIDs and schedule a classroom visit. Outcomes 1-2