Applications & Subscriptions

Campus Staff / Faculty Licenses

The below campus and/or district licensed software can be downloaded using the associated instructions with each link

Program Subscriptions

  • Quality Matters Rubric – Design quality online and hybrid courses against a nationally recognized and researched rubric
  • Go2Knowledge by Innovative Educators – on demand webcasts and live upcoming webinars on various higher education topics. Visit: – log in with your MEID and password
  • PressbooksEDU by Maricopa Open Digital (MOD) Press – digital publishing and textbook creation and sharing.
  • We have a district membership to NISOD, a national association dedicated to teaching, learning, and leadership excellence at community and technical colleges.

    NISOD publishes weekly abstracts that are relevant to teaching and learning that you may find interesting.

    To access NISOD Publications go to their web page> Click Create Account > Create an Account using your Institutional Email Address

    Username and password are yours to set on your own

How to access

Contact the CTL via email or 480-461-7331 to request more information about any of the materials from the above subscriptions which might be of interest to you

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