Welcome Campers!
Reminders & Pre-Camp Activities for MCC’s 5th Annual Camp Innovate
The Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning 5th Annual Camp Innovate event is just a few days away. We are looking forward to seeing you at your respective sessions Monday, May 19 – May 22 at the MCC Southern and Dobson Campus. So air out your tent and grab your gear to participate around the campfire of innovative teaching and learning!
Your Camping Sessions
You will receive individual email reminders for each session you register for, but you can also review your requested sessions by visiting the HRMS Time & Labor System. After you log-in with your MEID and MEID Password, follow this path, Main Menu > Self-Service > Learning & Development > Training Summary to review your sessions.
See the Full Week Guide for a day-to-day listing and description of all events.
Pre-Camp Activities & Camp Participant Canvas Course
We have created a special camping guide (Canvas Self-Enroll Course) just for you! In this course you will find general information about camp, pre-camp activities, session information/resources, session evaluations, online camp activities and more! Presenters will place all session resources and content into this guide throughout the week. We hope that you utilize this course to find resource, interact with fellow participants!
Self-Enroll Now to Access this Course and don’t forget to complete the Pre-Camp Activities!
Camping Area, Tent Locations & Camper Parking
All Camping Sessions will be hosted in the AS Building; Southern & Dobson Campus. We recommend that you leave your camper in the Northwest Parking Lot (Lot A) which is closest to the AS Building. Review the schedule for specific tent locations.
Is Camping Gear Required?
No! We won’t actually be camping. Just bring you and maybe a friend or two to enjoy the learning and community. Light provisions will be provided each day and at the Maker Party! Event Celebration on Thursday, May 22, 3:00 – 5:00pm. Register for the celebration.
Bring a Friend to Camp!
All MCCCD faculty and staff are welcome. Please encourage a friend to join us at camp! Space is limited, so tell them to register soon.
Note: Registration is through HRMS Time & Labor.
Registration Instructions.
Earn a Digital Badge for Participation and More
“Campers” can earn digital badges for participating in sessions, bringing guests and evaluating the event. These digital badges can be added to your professional portfolio. Learn more about using digital badges in education. The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning will track and award badges based on the individual badge criteria.
1st Time Camper Badge –
Attend 1 Session
Avid Camper Badge –
Attend 3 or More Sessions
Camp Inspector –
Submit an Event Evaluation
Happy Camper –
Bring a Friend to Camp
Additional Badges may be awarded throughout the camp for submitting camp assignments, participating in campfire chats and more. These activities are located in the special camping guide (Canvas Self-Enroll Course).
Say Cheese!
Please note, pictures will be taken throughout the week and by attending the event you authorize the Maricopa Community Colleges to photograph or video you and to use the photographs or videos for educational or promotional purposes.