Categories for YouTube


Fall 2019 Unconference

What’s an Unconference? Conferences are about presentations but an Unconference is about conversation…conversations around topics you choose. So, we won’t create the schedule – you will! Tell us what you want to talk about and we’ll find someone to facilitate that conversation OR better yet – tell us what topic you are willing to facilitate a conversation around. We are all busy getting ready for this upcoming year and all faced with many of the same challenges…we have much we can share and discuss so let’s get together and talk! What do you want to talk about? Tell us! Then join the conversation on Wednesday August 14, 2019 in the CTL.

Feed Your Read

At this point in time many of you have probably heard the term Web2.0. And I know that most of you have heard all of the “social”-ness of the internet, especially with social networking sights like MySpace and Facebook. What you probably do not realize that it is primarily RSS technology (Really Simple Syndication) that pulls all this socialness together. So what IS RSS?