Tag Archive: learning opportunities
Mark Your Calendar to Make-Play-Repeat with MCLI
Plan to attend the Maricopa Community College’s premier learning technology event on May 19, 2015 at Estrella Mountain Community College.The theme is Make – Play – Repeat so expect a different type of conference experience this year as we explore the world of maker spaces, gaming and more! Be prepared to play with technology and ideas in the Sandbox (our faculty play area) and in our hands-on workshops. Bring your smart phones to join in on conference missions, while collaborating with your peers.
Conference Information
Location: Estrella Mountain Community College in the Estrella Conference Center
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Register Today: https://mcli.maricopa.edu/techconf
Keynote Speaker/Agenda
Join us for an exciting keynote presentation by Jaime Casap, Chief Education Evangelist for Google! That is right Google!!
More about the speaker: Jaime Casap is the Chief Education Evangelist at Google, Inc. Jaime evangelizes the power and potential of the web, technology, and Google tools as enabling and supporting capabilities in pursuit of creating powerful learning models. Jaime works with educational organizations around the world, helping them find ways to continuously improve the quality of education by utilizing and enabling technology capabilities.
The agenda has been posted on the conference website. Topics will include,
- Learning in 3D
- Badging in Higher Education
- Medieval Siege
- Frank Lloyd Wright’s Design Commission
- Spread the Weird: Creative Corpse Collaboration
- Student Engagement and Feedback with Nearpod
- Motion Sensors, Force/Temperature Probes for Math
- Engaging Brains with Games
- Canvas Course Creation
- 3D Scanning and Printing
- Design Thinking
- Doing It Daily
- Exploring Learning Tools on the iPad
- Vendors include Samsung, Proctoru, Turning Technologies, and TechShop
- And much, much more!
Copy/Paste Culture – Plagiarism Education Week
Join Turnitin® their third annual virtual conference for Plagiarism Education Week April 20-24. This week of FREE, daily webinars is “devoted to sharing ideas and best practices to teach educators and students how to move from copying to critical thinking”.
This year’s theme is Copy/Paste Culture. Join in as experts, researchers, educators, authors and thinkers lead discussions that examine” how current global trends are affecting our values, especially those related to education, and proposes strategies on how we can address these challenges”. Certificates of Participation are provided for registered participants!
What is Turnitin?
Turnitin® is a service that is used by thousands of institutions in over 80 countries. It has a range of options, but the primary tool is its Plagiarism Prevention component, which has been purchased by MCCCD. Turnitin® is integrated with Canvas making it easy for you check for plagiarism in work submitted by students within Canvas. Learn more about using Turnitin® at MCCCD (MCC Intranet log-in required).
This FREE series will kick off on Monday, April 20, and will include 45-minute webinars on the following:
April 20
Note that session times are listed in Pacfic Time. Use a timezone converter to adjust for AZ DST (Links to an external site.).
David Callahan, author of The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead
Michael Goodwin, Academic Integrity Coordinator at Kennesaw State University
April 21
Jean Twenge, author of The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement
LiAnna Davis, Director of Programs at Wiki Education Foundation
April 22
Teresa Fishman, Director of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
Tricia Bertram Gallant, Director of Academic Integrity at UC San Diego
April 23
Samantha Grant and Brittney Shepherd, co-producers of A Fragile Trust
More Turnitin Resources for Educators
What’s New
With Grade Anything, Cloud Submit, Mark-Criterion Association, Grading Forms, and Import Rubrics from Excel, you now have more ways to submit and evaluate assignments in Turnitin.
Instructor Training
Exploring the training resource page or watching the new QuickStart videos is a great way to help you get started or uncover instructional practices that may save you time grading and provide more personalized feedback for students.
Turnitin Educator Network
The Turnitin Educator Network is filled with blogs, stories, best practices and webcasts from educators nationwide. Learn more about providing richer feedback and improving student work—and join the conversation by becoming a member!
Need help driving Turnitin adoption at your institution? Share this third-party academic research that supports the effectiveness of Turnitin with your colleagues.
For more information, please visit the Plagiarism Education Week web site.
Quality Matters APPQMR In-Person Session offered Friday, April 17 at GWCC
Register Now (Registration through HRMS/Time & Labor)
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, research-based, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to acknowledge the quality of online/hybrid courses. The QM framework, implemented through a rubric, is about course design and making your course navigation and structure intuitive, so that students’ questions will be more focused on the content of your course. QM recognized courses improve both student learning outcomes, student success, and retention.
Workshop Details
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric presented by the MCC CTL & Hosted by GWCC
Friday, April 17, 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. (Lunch Included) GateWay Community College – MA Building, Room 1440 (Campus Map)
COURSE#001515, Section #0008; Register Now
Now featuring the Fifth Edition Rubric!
The Quality Matters course is designed to help you prepare your course for QM certification and is a prerequisite for the QM Peer Reviewer Certification (PRC) Course. This in-depth workshop explains each of the QM Rubric Standards through interactive activities and assignments. Participants will complete the training with tools and ideas to design your course to meet QM standards and skills to become a Quality Matters peer reviewer.
How do I register for the Quality Matters at MCC course? Who can register?
Registration is through the HRMS (MCCCD Time & Labor) system. View detailed registration instructions. Anyone in MCCCD interested in the QM Process and Rubric is welcome to attend.
Visit Our Quality Learning Site | Learn More About the MCC CTL | See Our Full Calendar
Questions? Contact Us:
Mesa Community College
Center for Teaching & Learning
(480) 731-7331
Register Now – The MET Program
Join your fellow colleagues at the Maricopa Excellence in Teaching (MET) program, formerly the Arizona Master Teacher Seminar (AZMT) retreat. All AZMT alumni and faculty who would like to learn more about the Maricopa Excellence in Teaching program are invited to attend. This will be an excellent opportunity to engage in the rich conversations held at AZMT, share effective practices, and learn about the exciting events that are being planned for 2015 and 2016.
Program Information
Friday, March 6, 2015, 1:00 – 5:00pm at Phoenix College, F-201
For more information please contact
Dr. Rob Morales, Instructional Designer, Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Maricopa Community Colleges District
(480) 731-8300
Web-Based Teaching & Learning
Prepare for or Retool Your Online, Hybrid and Web-Enabled Course
The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in or retool for the unique world of teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats. It can also help support you in web-enabling your ground/face-to-face course.
First, experience the ‘student’ perspective of online learning in CIS236. Get helpful tips to facilitate a course including policies, procedures and content management (copyright and accessibility). Along the way, see what the Canvas learning management system can do to enhance any course format and discover new digital teaching tools to engage learners. Then explore course design and content creation more deeply in CIS 237. Build engaging assignments, group activities and integrate technology to support learners’ needs.
Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a duplicative structure for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class or supporting a ground/face-to-face course with an online presence.
Advantages of the Open Entry / Open Exit Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Exit/Open Exit format for the Spring 2015.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date (1/19 – 3/13)
- Set your own pace over an 8 week period
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu. (SIS will be unavailable until February 16)
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers:http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you have difficulties registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #31761
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Spring 2015 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between January 19 and March 13. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #31762
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Spring 2015 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between January 19 and March 13. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) 2015-2016 LEARNING GRANTS
Academic year 2015-2016 will be the fifteenth year of the Maricopa Community College District Learning Grants program.
The program is designed to support:
- Innovative projects that are designed to enhance student learning, promote student success, and further innovation in teaching and learning.
- Projects on a one-time, one-year basis.
- Ideas and projects at the appropriate stage of development.
Qualifying proposals will range from formative ideas that explore learning concepts to fully tested models ready to be adopted and disseminated.
Who can Apply for Learning Grants?
- Faculty (residential, adjunct, and one-year-only) are eligible to apply.
- Adjunct faculty and one-year-only faculty should team up with a residential faculty member or department/division chair to provide an on-campus contact for the grant. Inclusion on a learning grant application does not guarantee future employment with Maricopa.
- Faculty may be compensated through special services assignments throughout the duration of the grant. Each college determines how to distribute the funds for faculty participating in the grant.
How can the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning help me with the grant?
The MCC CTL, as a resource for innovative teaching and learning, is happy to help you consider ideas for your grant application. We can connect you with best practice research in the areas of educational pedagogy and technology that align with your grant proposal. Contact us to set-up a time to talk about your innovative ideas! ctl@mesacc.edu or (480) 461-7331.
How Much Money is Available for a Grant?
Allocations are up to $12,000 per project, depending on project goals; types of activities and events proposed; resources required; degree of involvement of faculty, students, and administrators; and potential benefits to students.
Grant Preparation & Application:
Prior to submitting your grant proposal, you are required to discuss your project idea with your Vice President of Academic Affairs.You may also want to discuss your idea with your faculty development coordinator and department/diviaion chair.
2015-2016 Application Submission Period: October 16, 2014 through January 30, 2015
Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 13, 2015
Award Status Notification: April, 2015
Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m., Friday, January 13, 2015 The MCLI continues to experience technical issues with the server for submitting learning grants. IT is trying to resolve the technical issues; however, grant applicants continue to receive error messages when submitting proposals.
In order to ensure that all learning grant proposals are received by the deadline, please email rob.morales@domail.maricopa.edu your learning grant proposal as a Microsoft Word document by the deadline. NOTE you must enable macros in order to complete the budget section of the proposal. Download the Proposal MS Word Template.
Details and application procedures may be accessed at: http://mcli.maricopa.edu/learning-grants
For additional information, contact:
Dr. Rob Morales, Instructional Designer
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Email: rob.morales@domail.maricopa.edu
Telephone: 480-731-8302
Call for Gold Star Applications
Mentees and Mentors Spring 2015
Application Due Date, Thurs. Feb 5, 5 pm
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning in collaboration with the eLearning Committee announces the Call for Applications for Mentees and Mentors to participate in the Gold Star Program for Spring 2015. Gold Star is a faculty-centered, training and peer-review process to support MCC faculty developers (mentee) to redesign an existing or develop a new Internet or hybrid course based on the QM Rubric. The Spring 2015 Program includes both individuals and/or collaborative teams.
Faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course.
Collaborative Teams:
Inner-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course. Not to exceed more than 3 members per team.
Additionally, the faculty developers are paired with a Gold Star Program Mentor. The Mentor supports with the design of the Mentee’s online or hybrid course.
Program Dates:

To learn more about the Gold Star Program and to submit an application to participate as Gold Star Mentee or Mentor, go to: Gold Star
Questions – Contact – Annapurna Ganesh, Gold Star Coordinator
Email: aganesh@mesacc.edu; Phone: 480-461-7305
Maricopa Institute for Learning Research Fellowship 2015-2016
The MCLI is pleased to announce that applications for the redesigned 2015-2016 Maricopa Institute for Learning Research Fellowship (MILRF) are now being accepted.
What is the MILRF?
The MILRF is a fellowship for up to six residential faculty in any discipline who are interested in examining significant issues in their teaching fields and contributing to the scholarship of teaching and learning through classroom research projects. Its secondary purpose is to create a community of scholars that will engage in conversations about the scholarship of teaching and learning.
This year’s program includes the following changes/additions:
- load hour increase (3 load hours during fall semester; 6 load hours during spring semester)
- year-long mentor support for Fellows
- summer compensation
- research boot camp
The Application Process & Deadlines
If you are interested in applying for the Fellowship, please review the attached material or the MILRF website at
http://mcli.maricopa.edu/mil for program information and application material.
You must submit an intent to apply request via email to your college VPAA by January 9, 2015 before you can apply. If your VPAA invites you to move forward, you can then complete the full application. Applicants will be asked to secure signed approvals from the college VPAA and department chair prior to the application deadline.
Quality Matters APPQMR In-Person Session offered Friday, November 21 at MCC
Register Now (Registration through HRMS/Time & Labor)
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, research-based, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to acknowledge the quality of online/hybrid courses. The QM framework, implemented through a rubric, is about course design and making your course navigation and structure intuitive, so that students’ questions will be more focused on the content of your course. QM recognized courses improve both student learning outcomes, student success, and retention.
Workshop Details
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric
Friday, November 21, 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
COURSE#001515, Section #0007; Register Now
Now featuring the Fifth Edition Rubric – Released in August 2014!
The Quality Matters course is designed to help you prepare your course for QM certification and is a prerequisite for the QM Peer Reviewer Certification (PRC) Course. This in-depth workshop explains each of the QM Rubric Standards through interactive activities and assignments. Participants will complete the training with tools and ideas to design your course to meet QM standards and skills to become a Quality Matters peer reviewer.
How do I register for the Quality Matters at MCC course? Who can register?
Registration is through the HRMS (MCCCD Time & Labor) system. View detailed registration instructions. Anyone in MCCCD interested in the QM Process and Rubric is welcome to attend.
Visit Our Quality Learning Site | Learn More About the MCC CTL | See Our Full Calendar
Questions? Contact Us:
Mesa Community College
Center for Teaching & Learning
(480) 731-7331
Tablet Initiative Learning Sessions
Mesa Community College has recently launched the Faculty Tablet Initiative. Through a joint effort of College Technology Services and the Center for Teaching & Learning, MCC will be offering learning sessions in support of the transformation of teaching and learning with the integration of tablets in the classroom. Learn more about the Faculty Tablet Initiative.
iPad Basics, Pt.1 Settings & Productivity
Are you a new iPad user? During this 2 hour hands-on session participants will learn how to use the iPad tablet effectively right out of the box. We will walk through all the basic functions/settings, managing of applications and connectivity features that the iPad offers. In addition, we will explore important productivity tools for organizing yourself on the go! Participants will leave the session with a fully operational iPad with best practice settings, email and calendar enabled. Critical security and MCCCD use policies will also be addressed. Users must bring their own or a college issued tablet to the session.
Choose from one of the following sessions:
Monday, November 17, 3-5pm
Course #002212, Session #0001; AS175 Southern & Dobson Campus
Tuesday, November 18, 3-5pm
Course #002212, Session #0002; AS175 Southern & Dobson CampusRegister Now!
iPad Basics, Pt.2 Transforming Learning (Teaching with Tablets)
iPads and tablets are becoming increasingly popular in education, but for the integration of these devices to be successful instructors must carefully plan and prepare lessons aligned with the technology. During this 2 hour hands-on session participants will learn the practicalities of presenting with the iPad (mirroring/podium options). They will then go beyond the limitations of using the tablet as a mobile lectern to transforming teaching and learning through the support of a student BYOD (bring your own device) classroom initiative. A variety of applications and web-based tools will be explored that align with specific lesson objectives: building community, building background/connections, making content meaningful and interaction/collaboration. Users must bring their own or a college issued tablet to the session.Choose from one of the following sessions:
Tuesday, December 2, 3-5pm
Course #002213, Session #0001; AS175 Southern & Dobson Campus
Wednesday, December 3, 3-5pm
Course #002213, Session #0002; AS175 Southern & Dobson Campus
Register Now!