Tag Archive: professional development
Registration Open for the 2014 Student Success Conference
The Division of Academic and Student Affairs & Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction
Expectations, Aspirations, and Achievement
The 26th Annual Student Success Conference will be held Friday, October 17, 2014, at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel. Please reserve this date on your calendar and register today to engage in systemic conversations focused on student success and completion. Detailed information regarding the keynote speakers, breakout presentations, and registration can be found at:
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel
340 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix
(Conference parking available to attendees)
Keynote Presenters:
Pedro Noguera, Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education New York University, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Development and Executive Director, Metropolitan Center for Urban Education
Terry O’Banion, President and Senior League Fellow League for Innovation in the Community College and Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Graduate Faculty, North American University
For questions regarding the Student Success Conference contact:
Dr. Ramona Cox at 480-731-8300
Webinar: Improve Completion Through Redesigning Developmental Courses
Hosted by Mesa Community College and sponsored by the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Mesa Community College, AS-170 CTL Conference Room
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
FPG: Not Offered
Register Today:
An Academic Impressions Webinar. Note: this session must be attended at the campus location specified. Users cannot attend virtually due to licensing agreements.
Research indicates approximately one-half of all incoming students need remedial work in at least one subject. While the majority of colleges offer developmental coursework, about 75% of students who enroll in these courses do not finish their degrees.
Join your colleagues and learn how Austin Peay State University redesigned their developmental courses using the Linked Workshop (or SLA) model. This redesign significantly increased student persistence rates and was recogniz ed by the National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT).
What is the Linked Workshop (or SLA) Model?
This model provides remedial/developmental instruction by linking workshops that offer students just-in-time supplemental academic support to core college-level courses. The model also integrates supplementary instruction, tutoring, learning communities, and accelerated learning—all considered best practices in developmental coursework—into core college-level courses.
View the full webinar agenda.
Who should attend?
Academic leadership involved with coordinating and improving academic support and developmental or remedial programs will gain new ideas from this case study. More specifically, directors of developmental programs and directors of academic support programs including student success, learning, tutoring, or writing centers will brainstorm ideas for improving your support initiatives.
Host & Support:
Helice Agria, Instructional Technologist, Mesa Community College
For more information please contact:
Dr. Ramona Cox
District Director, Academic Affairs Support Programs and Services/Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Maricopa Community Colleges District
(480) 731-8295
Course Design: A Blueprint for Success
Are you looking for tools to take your course to the next level? Do you want to incorporate design strategies that focus on student success?
Join the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning for our Course Design Series. This 3 part series focuses on the best practices in course design pedagogy. Take this opportunity to participate in a highly engaging and collegial process of mapping and aligning your course and building informative assessments linked to your learning objectives! Sessions beginTuesday, September 9.
Review the full schedule below! Course building teams welcome! Faculty Professional Growth (FPG) pending approval for Part 2 & 3.
Register through HRMS (Time & Labor System) Registration Instructions
Having Trouble? Call us at (480) 461-7331 and we will register you.
Part 1: Curriculum Mapping & Lesson Design – FPG Approved!
Learn more about Faculty Professional Growth (FPG), including how to apply.
Session Description: In this session, you will design a curriculum map based on the most relevant concepts related to your course and competencies to build thematic units. Using this map, you will create a unit alignment by writing measurable learning objectives that connect your course materials and assessments to the course competencies.
Session Dates: (Select from one of the following)
Tuesday, September 9, 3:30pm – 6:30pm
COURSE #001760, Session #0009 Register through HRMS
Friday, September 19, 9:00am – 12 noon
COURSE #001760, Session #0010 Register through HRMS
Interested in Teaching Online/Hybrid or Web-Enabled Classes?
Prepare with CIS 236 & 237 at Mesa Community College this Fall Semester
The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats or to support you in web-enabling your ground/face-to-face course. First, experience the ‘student’ perspective and discover new digital teaching tools in CIS 236 and then explore course design and content creation in CIS 237. Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a duplicative structure for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class.
Advantages of the Open Entry / Open Exit Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Exit/Open Exit format for the Fall 2014.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date (8/25 – 10/17)
- Set your own pace over an 8 week period
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu.
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers: http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you have difficulties registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #28083
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Fall 2014 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between August 25 and October 17. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #28084
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Fall 2014 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between August 25 and October 17. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Gold Star is Looking for Mentees and Mentors for Fall 2014 – Apply Today!
Application Due Date – Tue, Sept 2, 5 pm
The CTL in collaboration with the eLearning Committee announces the Call for Applications for Mentees and Mentors to participate in the Gold Star Program for Fall 2014. Gold Star is a faculty-centered, training and peer-review process to support MCC faculty developers (mentee) to redesign an existing or develop a new Internet or hybrid course based on the QM Rubric. The Fall 2014 Program includes both individuals and/or collaborative teams.
Individual: Faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course.
Collaborative Teams: Inner-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course. Not to exceed more than 3 members per team.
Additionally, the faculty developers are paired with a Gold Star Program Mentor. The Mentor supports with the design of the Mentee’s online or hybrid course.

To learn more about the Gold Star Program and to submit an application to participate as Gold Star Mentee or Mentor, go to: Gold Star.
Questions – Contact – Annapurna Ganesh, Gold Star Coordinator
Email: aganesh@mesacc.edu; Phone: 480-461-7305
Stop by Paradise for Some Summer Fun!
Paradise Valley Community College is hosting its annual Summer Fun Technology Week Monday, July 14 – Thursday, July 17. A popular summer destination, this week is full of engaging sessions designed to help you teach, work and you and your students learn better with technology. Stay for a single session, a day or the whole week. Register Today!
MCC is Presenting!
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning training team will be presenting a variety of sessions at PVCC including:
Captioning with YouTube – Wednesday, July 16, 1-2pm – Q305
Learn how to create captions and transcripts for your video files using the free YouTube web site. In this hands-on session participants will learn how to adjust settings in their YouTube account so uploaded video files are automatically transcribed and captioned. Participants will also learn how to adjust and correct captions within YouTube; and how to download subtitle files onto their own computers.
Building Awesome Infographics, Wednesday, July 16, 2-3pm – Q305
Infographics are a visual way for people to creatively display complex data simply. Attend this overview session to find out what infographics are, how they can be created, and how to integrate them into your department marketing plan or class assignments using free tools on the internet.
Flip it Real Good! Exploring the Flipped Model, Wednesday, July 16, 3-4pm – Q305
What is the Flipped Model? In this session we will take a look at this pedagogical model where the lecture and homework aspects of course work are reversed OR flipped! The important elements to building a flipped model will be discussed. Bring your own lessons to work on flipping.
The Art & Technology of Microlectures, Wednesday, July 16, 4-5pm – Q305
Maximize your lecture impact by micromanaging the length and focus. In this session we will identify short lecture techniques and practice using tools for lecture capture. Discover how quickly you can flip your classroom, connecting students to material online in a meaningful way and saving precious classroom time for engaging activities, collaboration and problem-based learning.
Additional Event Information
PVCC Summer Fun Week Session Schedule
PVCC Summer Fun Week Session Descriptions
Planning an extended stay? Meals are on your own, so take advantage of the Area Restaurants.
Don’t miss out on this exciting week! Register Today!
Prepare to Teach Online with CIS 236 & 237 at Mesa Community College this Summer
The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats. First, experience the ‘student’ perspective and discover new digital teaching tools in CIS 236 and then explore course design and content creation in CIS 237. Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a duplicative structure for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class.
Advantages of the Open Entry / Open Exit Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Exit/Open Exit format for the Summer 2014.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date (5/27 – 6/6)
- Set your own pace over an 8 week period
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu.
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers: http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you have difficulties registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #16276
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Summer 2014 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between May 27 and June 6. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #16277
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Summer 2014 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between May 27 and June 6. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Reminders & Pre-Camp Activities for MCC’s 5th Annual Camp Innovate
The Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning 5th Annual Camp Innovate event is just a few days away. We are looking forward to seeing you at your respective sessions Monday, May 19 – May 22 at the MCC Southern and Dobson Campus. So air out your tent and grab your gear to participate around the campfire of innovative teaching and learning!
Your Camping Sessions
You will receive individual email reminders for each session you register for, but you can also review your requested sessions by visiting the HRMS Time & Labor System. After you log-in with your MEID and MEID Password, follow this path, Main Menu > Self-Service > Learning & Development > Training Summary to review your sessions.
See the Full Week Guide for a day-to-day listing and description of all events.
Pre-Camp Activities & Camp Participant Canvas Course
We have created a special camping guide (Canvas Self-Enroll Course) just for you! In this course you will find general information about camp, pre-camp activities, session information/resources, session evaluations, online camp activities and more! Presenters will place all session resources and content into this guide throughout the week. We hope that you utilize this course to find resource, interact with fellow participants!
Self-Enroll Now to Access this Course and don’t forget to complete the Pre-Camp Activities!
Camping Area, Tent Locations & Camper Parking
All Camping Sessions will be hosted in the AS Building; Southern & Dobson Campus. We recommend that you leave your camper in the Northwest Parking Lot (Lot A) which is closest to the AS Building. Review the schedule for specific tent locations.
Introducing the Canvas Draft State
Canvas has recently released the highly anticipated Draft State feature that allows for content in Assignments, Quizzes, Modules, Pages, and Discussions to be in an unpublished (draft) state even if the course is published. Draft content will be invisible to students and excluded from grade calculations.
Draft State will become a standard, permanent part of Canvas on July 5, 2014 and will be activated for all Canvas courses within MCCCD on Saturday, May 10, 2014.
Teaching this Summer? ‘Opt-in’ to Draft State Now
The Draft State feature will impact all of the major instructional user interfaces within Canvas and will have a small cosmetic impact on the student view of courses. Because this change is anticipated for the middle of the summer session, we highly recommend that you remain ‘opted-in’ to the draft state feature before your summer course starts to avoid any potential disruption, albeit small, for students.
Draft State User Information Sessions
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning has scheduled a few information sessions to help users with this transition.
Register Now
Registration Instructions
Choose from the following:
Monday, May 12, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
HRMS Course #002116, Session #0002; CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175
Monday, May 12, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
HRMS Course #002116, Session #0003; CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175
Thursday, May 15, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
HRMS Course #002116, Session #0004; CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175
Monday, May 19, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
HRMS Course #002116, Session #0001; CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175
Head to Camp This Summer with the MCC CTL!
Monday, May 19 – Thursday, May 22
The Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning will be holding its 5th Annual Camp Innovate training camp Monday, May 19 – May 22 on the MCC Southern and Dobson Campus. So air out your tent and grab your gear to participate around the campfire of innovative teaching and learning!
Camp Innovate is a week of sessions and engaging activities offered every summer at the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning that address excellence in education, technology, teaching and learning.
Visit the Camp web site for more information.
Register Now
Camp Schedule
Event topics will include Accessibility, Digital Tools, Captioning, Screencasting, Lesson Design, Adventure-Based Learning, Multimedia, Retention Strategies, Educational Technology, Canvas and more! See the Full Week Guide for a day-to-day listing and description of all events.
Camp Location & Registration
Camp Sessions will be hosted in the AS Building; Southern & Dobson Campus. Review the schedule for cabin assignments.
All MCCCD faculty and staff are welcome. Attend one session, attend one day or attend all, we hope to see you there! Space is limited, so register soon.
Note: Registration is through HRMS Time & Labor.
Registration Instructions.
Is Camping Gear Required?
No! We won’t actually be camping. Just bring you and maybe a friend or two to enjoy the learning and community. Light provisions will be provided each day and at the Maker Party! Event Celebration on Thursday, May 22, 3:00 – 5:00pm. Register for the celebration.
Earn a Digital Badge for Participation and More
“Campers” can earn digital badges for participating in sessions, bringing guests and evaluating the event. These digital badges can be added to your professional portfolio. Learn more about using digital badges in education. The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning will track and award badges based on the individual badge criteria.
1st Time Camper Badge –
Attend 1 Session
Avid Camper Badge –
Attend 3 or More Sessions
Camp Inspector –
Submit an Event Evaluation
Happy Camper –
Bring a Friend to Camp
Contact Us
Need assistance with registration? Call us at (480) 461-7331 and we will register you. Questions? Send us an email at ctl@mesacc.edu.