Tag Archive: webinar
Free Turnitin® Web Series
Join Turnitin® their third annual Student Success Week October 5-9. SSW15 is a five day virtual conference. This year the sessions will focus on “how technology affects writing instruction and the student learning experience”. Participants will learn techniques and strategies for using digital tools to increase student engagement and improve writing skills. Certificates of Participation are provided for registered participants!
What is Turnitin?
Turnitin® is a service that is used by thousands of institutions in over 80 countries. It has a range of options, but the primary tool is its Plagiarism Prevention component, which has been purchased by MCCCD. Turnitin® is integrated with Canvas making it easy for you check for plagiarism in work submitted by students within Canvas. Learn more about using Turnitin® at MCC.
This FREE series will kick off on Monday, October 5, and will include 45-minute webcasts. Register for one or all 8 sessions!
Monday, October 5:
No Laptop Left Behind?
Kentaro Toyama, W.K. Kellogg Associate Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan School of Information
Digital Tools for Writing Instruction
Kristine E. Pytash, Richard E. Ferdig, PhD, and Timothy Rasinski
Tuesday, October 6:
Writing and the Visual: Graphically Organizing Your Writing
Thomas DeVere Wolsey, CEO of the Institute to Advance International Education
Wednesday, October 7:
Crowdsourcing in the Classroom to Enhance Reading, Writing, and Presenting
Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky, Director of Educational Technology at Frisch
Thursday, October 8:
Writing By Hand, Keyboard, Voice and Beyond
Steve Graham, Warner Professor in the Division of Leadership and Innovation in Teachers College
“The Network Effect”: Amplification and Opportunities for Global Feedback
Michael Fisher, Instructional Coach and Educational Consultant
Friday, October 9:
The Future of Writing: I Wandered Lonely In The Cloud
Anya Kamenetz is NPR’s lead education blogger
For more information, please visit the Student Success Week 2015 website.
Fall Webinar Series
Join the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning for a series of higher education webinar topics. Attend in-person for an engaging dialog with your colleagues, join online from the comfort of your home/office or host your own session from the Academic Impressions catalog!
Live Sessions:
WCET Webinar – Promoting a Culture of Accessibility for Online Students
Thursday, September 24, 11:00am – 12:00 noon
Instructional designers from the University of Central Florida will share their strategies, challenges, and lessons learned from developing a campus-wide online course accessibility support model and address specific accessibility areas such as: captioning, course content, and testing.
Session Viewing Options
- View the session in the the MC Center for Teaching & Learning (AS Building, Room 170) with your colleagues. Engage in a post webinar discussion. No registration required. Just stop by!
- Register to attend the session in your office or home. Register Now.
Academic Impressions Webinar – Key Considerations for Learning Commons Design
Friday, September 25, 10:00am – 11:30am
This online training will prepare you to design a learning commons that helps you achieve your programmatic goals. Throughout this webcast they will share numerous examples of learning commons to illustrate trends and highlight the connections between learning commons design and program goals.
Session Viewing Options
- View the session in the the MC Center for Teaching & Learning (AS Building, Room 175) with your colleagues. Engage in a post webinar discussion. RSVP Now
- Register to attend the session in your office or home and engage in the online discussion. RSVP Now
Academic Impressions Webinar: Improving Academic Literacy for International Students
Friday, September 25, 10:00am – 11:30am
Gain ideas for providing targeted co-curricular academic literacy support to help students perform better in the classroom by building the skills that are essential for their academic success.
Session Viewing Options
- View the session in the the MC Center for Teaching & Learning (AS Building, Room 170) with your colleagues. Engage in a post webinar discussion. RSVP
- Register to attend the session in your office or home and engage in the online discussion. RSVP Now
Innovative Educators Webinar: Teaching Critical Thinking for Academic Success, Career Readiness & Personal Development
Tuesday, October 6, 12:00 noon – 1:00pm
We know critical thinking is important—but perhaps we have become so immersed in the why of critical thinking that we have forgotten about how to do critical thinking. This session examines how to use video, music, text, and exciting interactive activities to foster your students’ critical thinking skills across the curriculum for academic and personal success.
Session Viewing Options
- View the session in the the MC Center for Teaching & Learning (AS Building, Room 170) with your colleagues. Engage in a post webinar discussion. No registration required. Just stop by!
- Register to attend the session in your office or home. Register Now (Note: you will need to create an iStream account under your MCC Gmail to be eligible for the free registration).
OLC Webinar: 10 Tips for Creating Accessible Online Course Content
Thursday, October 8, 11:00am – 12:00 noon
With recent lawsuits in higher education and updates to Section 508 on the horizon, it is more important than ever that online learning content be made accessible to students with disabilities. In this webinar, Janet Sylvia, Web Accessibility Group Leader and Web Accessibility Trainer, will provide you with 10 tips for making your online course material accessible.
Session Viewing Options
- View the session in the the MC Center for Teaching & Learning (AS Building, Room 170) with your colleagues. Engage in a post webinar discussion. No registration required. Just stop by!
- Register to attend the session in your office or home. Register Now

Make an Impression! Host an Academic Impression Session this Fall in the CTL
Interested in promoting a dialog around important topics in higher education? Become an impressionist by hosting your own Academic Impressions session at the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning. First, review AIPro catalog to find a topic you are passionate about and then complete the form to set a time/date for your session.
Impressionists will be asked to host one live session and during that week moderate an online discussion around the selected session topic in Canvas. The CTL will support you along the way. access the technology, promote your session and get it set-up! Session hosts will earn an Impressionist Digital Badge for promoting dialog and critical conversations in the MCC community!
Questions or Concerns?
Contact the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning
Email: ctl@mesacc.edu
Telephone: (480) 461-7331
Important Notices
Canvas Community Update
Canvas has launched an updated Community feature for users. The Community is a resource for students and instructors to find helpful guides on how to use Canvas, as well as to participate in feature discussions, find best practices and more.
What does this mean to you?
Aside from the valuable resource that the Community presents, the single most important takeaway from this is any current links to Canvas Guides will no longer work after June 30. If you have linked to Canvas materials to help students do or access something in your course related to Canvas, you will need to update those links to the new community links. This includes any college provided information (such as Getting Started modules, course templates, etc.) that links to Canvas guides.
Instructure, the makers of Canvas, will have redirects in place for the links until June 30, but after that time the redirects will no longer work.
Accessing the Community:
Canvas Course Deletion to Begin Fall 2015
To reduce the quantity of old courses on the server, Spring 2014 and older SIS courses will begin being deleted the 3rd week in September, 2015. This will be the first in a regular cycle of course deletions that will occur every semester throughout the district.
What does this mean for you?
Beginning the 3rd week of September courses from Spring 2014 and later will no longer be available for you to access. All course materials and student information associated with those courses will be deleted. These courses will also no longer appear in your course menu, inbox or calendar list.
Preparing for Course Deletion
- Begin exporting your old Canvas courses. Even if you rollover your course from semester-to-semester, we recommend that you retain a copy of any of your courses that will be deleted, as the export file can be imported into another Canvas course at a later time. Note: A course export does not include student records.
- Student grades and work (those you want to retain beyond the life of the course) should be downloaded at the end of each semester. Please pay attention to announcements about end-of-semester practices for details on these processes.
- Once the initial course deletions are finished, you can expect five semesters of courses to be retained at any one time. Plan each semester to export your course content and download student records to make sure you always have a back-up of important course information.
What about records retention and dispute of grades?
The current deletion plan meets the records retention policy of the district and state of Arizona. MCCCD’s official policy on records and information management.
Summer & Fall 2015 Course Shells
Summer and Fall 2015 course shells have been opened in Canvas. You will find links to all your summer courses on your Course List. TIP: Customize your course menu to include summer and fall courses in your quick pick drop-down menu.
Don’t see your course listed?
Check the Class Schedule to make sure you are assigned as the instructor. If not, contact your department. If you are assigned as the instructor and your course still does not appear, contact the MCC CTL at (480) 461-7331.
Please contact the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning if you have any questions about this information or would like support using Canvas.
View More Notices
What’s New in Canvas?
Here are some highlights of the recent and pending changes to Canvas including a summary of the most recent production release on April 4 and the upcoming release on April 25.
April 4th Production Release –
Interface Polish & Discussion Creation Date Changes
In this release Canvas made adjustments to the Learning Outcomes and Learning Mastery Gradebook areas that included a change in calculation of mastery based on a decaying average and a change in language for mastery levels.
Other updates in this release included the continuation of user interface changes for consistency of the look and feel of Canvas. Original discussion creation dates are now also invisible to students and observers making it easier to move discussions from semester to semester.

Finally, the Facebook integration with Canvas is no longer supported.Read the Production Release notes for details.
April 25th Production Release –
Anonymous Peer Review & Date Validations
The following features and updates are currently being reviewed in Beta and are slated for the April 25 production release. Note: The beta environment will be more sluggish than production (live) Canvas and resets every few weeks. Not all features in beta are available at MCCCD. Placing a feature in beta does not guarantee it will be part of the upcoming production release. Please view the April 20, 2015 Production Release Notes for complete release details.
Peer Reviews Go Undercover
By popular demand (learn more about voting feature ideas) Canvas is exploring a series of options to improve Peer Reviews starting with anonymity features. When setting up a Peer Review assignment, Instructors will have the option to hide the student reviewers names from the student submitting the work. Later updates will include the option to hide the name of the student submitting the work. Note: The Peer Review feature is available for assignments and discussions.

Learn More:
Creating Peer Review Assignments
Creating Peer Review Discussions
Your Dating Skills will be Validated
Canvas will now validate all due and availability dates for new, edited and basic assignment shells. Instructors will receive an error message for dates that fall outside of the course or term start and end dates.

Learn More:
What are Assignments?
Availability vs. Dues Dates – What’s the Difference?
Mark Your Calendar – June 6 Brings Big New Features
On June 6, 2015, the following changes will be made in Canvas:
- Differentiated Assignments (by section) will no longer be a Feature Option (not currently enabled in MCCCD) in Canvas and will be enabled for all Canvas users as a standard feature. What are Differentiated Assignments?
- The new Files interface (Better File Browsing) will no longer be a Feature Option (not currently enabled in MCCCD) in Canvas and will be enabled for all Canvas users as a standard feature. This change will enable New Files on the course and user levels.Using Files as an Instructor.
Other Updates & Bug Fixes
Review the release notes site for details of all the recent changes to Canvas including the Bug Fixes. Want to ask Canvas to consider a feature option? All Canvas users are encouraged to make feature requests that can benefit the teaching and learning environment of the Canvas tool. Learn more about voting on Features and Sharing Feature Ideas.
Canvas “On-the-Go”! – Mobile (Android & iOS) Updates
Review the latest release notes for each mobile platform. Android (4.3) update features an internal calendar and improved notification set-up and the iOS SpeedGrader update features a completely updated and improved grading experience on the iPad.
Did You Know?
Why is Canvas Always Changing!?!
Understanding the Canvas Release Cycle
From the beginning Instructure, the makers of Canvas, wanted to create a Learning Management System that was responsive to teaching and learning needs. From adding new features that enhance the learning environment to fixing bugs/issues, the goal is to have a product that is flexible, current and innovative. To ensure this, Canvas is on a 3-week update-release cycle.
From Beta to Production
The Canvas Release Cycle includes a beta and production environment. Feature changes and bug fixes are first deployed in the beta environment so that the community can test and preview the changes before they are moved in to the live or production environment. Instructure publishes a set of notes prior to and with all releases (both production and beta) to let users know what has been updated and changed.Not all changes placed in the beta environment will come to production immediately or ever. The purpose of the beta is to “test” new features. Canvas may or may not release these features based on the results of the testing. That is why it is important for instructors to pay attention to the release cycle.
How can I get involved?
Instructors can take advantage of the release notes and beta preview period to familiarize themselves with the changes and to provide feedback to Canvas. This feedback is considered when Canvas moves features to production.
To get involved:
to the update release notes.
the beta releases (log-in to maricopa.beta.instructure.comwith your MEID/MEID Password).
Note: Do not use the beta environment to teach or update your course. It is not accessible to students and will be overwritten every 3-weeks.
When is the next release?
Production release notes were released on 4/20 with the upcoming release and documentation to follow on 4/25. The next beta release notes and release will be on 5/4.
Canvas Training
Online Resources, Tutorials & Guides for Faculty
- Canvas 101 is an open enrollment course that covers the basics of setting up a new course in Canvas. To enroll, simply click on the “Join this course” button on the Course Home Page. There is no facilitator, but it is a good series of self-paced exercises for faculty wanting to learn Canvas basics.
- Canvas 102 Demo Videos are a comprehensive 3 hour video presentation of all things Canvas for instructors. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
- Canvas Guides are available that cover all major features of Canvas by question topic. They are easy to navigate and mostly image-based walk thru demonstrations of how to use a particular feature.
- MCCCD Canvas Help Area provides how-to documents, and support information to all Canvas users, students and faculty.
CanvasLive Webinars
CanvasLIVE is a free webinar series designed to give Canvas users additional training and a place for members of the Canvas Community to share their knowledge. Each session includes a quick tutorial and overview on a Canvas tool or feature, followed by a focused demonstration and a short Q&A. Sessions are archived so if you are not able to attend a live session you can still benefit from the presentation.
- Check out all of the upcoming sessions on the CanvasLIVE Schedule currently featuring the new Community (5/5), the Creative Commons in Canvas (5/11), Peer Reviews (5/17) and more!
- Check out the forum that includes all CanvasLive Archives.
- Have an idea for a future CanvasLIVE webinar? Click to Suggest a Future Topic
Keep Learning Blog
Keep Learning is an education technology blogging project created by the makers of Canvas, Instructure. The purpose of the blog is to engage educators in meaningful dialog around educational technology. Posts are written by educators and technologists around the world. If you would like to contribute, send an email to jared@instructure.com or just visit the site and Learn. Teach. Share.
Free Online VoiceThread Workshops
The MCC CTL is excited to recommend VoiceThread’s next series of workshops for May and June! VoiceThread is a teaching and learning tool that we currently have a license for at Mesa Community College. It is as unique platform desgined to engage learners in conversations around multimedia. Common uses of VoiceThread include presentations, projects, storytelling, debates, discussions, portfolios and more! It is a great tool for all course formats and easily integrates with the Canvas LMS within assignments and in the gradebook.
Learn more about VoiceThread.
Sign-up for these hands-on, FREE sessions to learn how VoiceThread can enhance your courses.
Lesson Design Series
- Teaching Reading and Writing – May 20th at 7:00pm ET – Register Now
- Student Portfolios – June 3rd at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – June 9th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
- Flipped, Blended, and Hybrid Classes – June 17th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
Basic VT Skills
- Uploading, Commenting, and Sharing – May 13th at 7:00pm ET – Register Now
- VoiceThread in your LMS – June 24th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
About the Workshops
These workshops are completely free. Each session is led by George Haines, an instructional designer and former educator. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.
VoiceThread Quick Reference
VoiceThread Manual
Copy/Paste Culture – Plagiarism Education Week
Join Turnitin® their third annual virtual conference for Plagiarism Education Week April 20-24. This week of FREE, daily webinars is “devoted to sharing ideas and best practices to teach educators and students how to move from copying to critical thinking”.
This year’s theme is Copy/Paste Culture. Join in as experts, researchers, educators, authors and thinkers lead discussions that examine” how current global trends are affecting our values, especially those related to education, and proposes strategies on how we can address these challenges”. Certificates of Participation are provided for registered participants!
What is Turnitin?
Turnitin® is a service that is used by thousands of institutions in over 80 countries. It has a range of options, but the primary tool is its Plagiarism Prevention component, which has been purchased by MCCCD. Turnitin® is integrated with Canvas making it easy for you check for plagiarism in work submitted by students within Canvas. Learn more about using Turnitin® at MCCCD (MCC Intranet log-in required).
This FREE series will kick off on Monday, April 20, and will include 45-minute webinars on the following:
April 20
Note that session times are listed in Pacfic Time. Use a timezone converter to adjust for AZ DST (Links to an external site.).
David Callahan, author of The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead
Michael Goodwin, Academic Integrity Coordinator at Kennesaw State University
April 21
Jean Twenge, author of The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement
LiAnna Davis, Director of Programs at Wiki Education Foundation
April 22
Teresa Fishman, Director of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
Tricia Bertram Gallant, Director of Academic Integrity at UC San Diego
April 23
Samantha Grant and Brittney Shepherd, co-producers of A Fragile Trust
More Turnitin Resources for Educators
What’s New
With Grade Anything, Cloud Submit, Mark-Criterion Association, Grading Forms, and Import Rubrics from Excel, you now have more ways to submit and evaluate assignments in Turnitin.
Instructor Training
Exploring the training resource page or watching the new QuickStart videos is a great way to help you get started or uncover instructional practices that may save you time grading and provide more personalized feedback for students.
Turnitin Educator Network
The Turnitin Educator Network is filled with blogs, stories, best practices and webcasts from educators nationwide. Learn more about providing richer feedback and improving student work—and join the conversation by becoming a member!
Need help driving Turnitin adoption at your institution? Share this third-party academic research that supports the effectiveness of Turnitin with your colleagues.
For more information, please visit the Plagiarism Education Week web site.
Webinar: Improve Completion Through Redesigning Developmental Courses
Hosted by Mesa Community College and sponsored by the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Mesa Community College, AS-170 CTL Conference Room
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
FPG: Not Offered
Register Today:
An Academic Impressions Webinar. Note: this session must be attended at the campus location specified. Users cannot attend virtually due to licensing agreements.
Research indicates approximately one-half of all incoming students need remedial work in at least one subject. While the majority of colleges offer developmental coursework, about 75% of students who enroll in these courses do not finish their degrees.
Join your colleagues and learn how Austin Peay State University redesigned their developmental courses using the Linked Workshop (or SLA) model. This redesign significantly increased student persistence rates and was recogniz ed by the National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT).
What is the Linked Workshop (or SLA) Model?
This model provides remedial/developmental instruction by linking workshops that offer students just-in-time supplemental academic support to core college-level courses. The model also integrates supplementary instruction, tutoring, learning communities, and accelerated learning—all considered best practices in developmental coursework—into core college-level courses.
View the full webinar agenda.
Who should attend?
Academic leadership involved with coordinating and improving academic support and developmental or remedial programs will gain new ideas from this case study. More specifically, directors of developmental programs and directors of academic support programs including student success, learning, tutoring, or writing centers will brainstorm ideas for improving your support initiatives.
Host & Support:
Helice Agria, Instructional Technologist, Mesa Community College
For more information please contact:
Dr. Ramona Cox
District Director, Academic Affairs Support Programs and Services/Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Maricopa Community Colleges District
(480) 731-8295
CANVAS – Keynote Sessions Streamed Live from InstructureCon 2014
Join us in the Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning June 17-19, 2014 for the Canvas LMS event of the year, InstructureCon! Keynote speakers and product updates can be accessed online from your home/office via LiveStream or head to the CTL Lobby (AS Building, Southern & Dobson Campus) to watch with the MCC user community.
Tuesday, June 17, 5:30p.m. – 6:30p.m.
Calling All Heroes
Online Access Only, NO CTL LOBBY – Register for the LiveStream – Passcode: instructur3
Josh Coates was an early investor and now CEO of the Canvas LMS. Hear from Josh on the current state of Canvas and where this disruptive innovation to the educational LMS landscape will go the future.
Wednesday, June 18, 8:00a.m. – 8:45a.m.
DAY 2 KEYNOTE: Luz Rivas
From Apple iiE to MIT to DIY Girls
Online and CTL LOBBY (AS Building, Southern & Dobson Campus) – Register for the LiveStream – Passcode: instructur3
Luz Rivas is the founder and executive director of DIY Girls, an after-school program that encourages 5th grade girls to hack, make and be inspired to pursue technical careers. Inspired by her own computer background fostered in her school, Rivas will discuss her goal to developing future technologists through STEM education. Learn more about Luz and DIY Girls.
Wednesday, June 18, 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.
Lossless Learning
Online and CTL LOBBY (AS Building, Southern & Dobson Campus) – Register for the LiveStream – Passcode: instructur3
Hear from the makers of Canvas. Tune-in for Canvas updates, future plans, big ideas and more.
Thursday, June 19, 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.
Online and CTL LOBBY (AS Building, Southern & Dobson Campus) – Register for the LiveStream – Passcode: instructur3
Hear from the makers of Canvas. Tune-in for Canvas updates, future plans, big ideas and more.
CTL Custom Service
The CTL is your partner as you encourage and implement innovative teaching, learning and workplace strategies. From general support to consultation services and tailored training, we are here to help you, your department or division reach your goals for student success!
About the CTL at MCC
The mission of the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning is to lead and inspire the advancement of innovative teaching and learning for student success. Learn more about the CTL staff and programs at ctl.mesacc.edu. Visit the CTL Calendar for dates for all upcoming sessions.
Open for Summer
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning is Open for Summer! Spend some time learning with us in June and July. We are offering sessions on Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, alternative presentations tools, accessibility resources/tips and more. View the Summer Guide Book for details.
Free Web Series Addresses Plagiarism
Join Turnitin® their second annual virtual conference for Plagiarism Education Week April 21-25. This week of FREE, daily webcasts is “devoted to sharing ideas and best practices to teach educators and students how to move from copying to critical thinking”. Certificates of Participation are provided for registered participants!
What is Turnitin?
Turnitin® is a service that is used by thousands of institutions in over 80 countries. It has a range of options, but the primary tool is its Plagiarism Prevention component, which has been purchased by MCCCD. Turnitin® is integrated with Canvas making it easy for you check for plagiarism in work submitted by students within Canvas. Learn more about using Turnitin® at MCC.
This FREE series will kick off on Monday, April 21, and will include 45-minute webcasts on the following:
Monday, April 21
Understanding Plagiarism with Help from Dr. Seuss, Begins at 1PM
Stephen Fox, Psychology Instructor at the University of Hawaii, Maui College
Tuesday, April 22
Tweets from the French Revolution? Using What Students Know to Promote Original Work and Critical Thinking, Begins at 3pm
Daniel Velasco, Ph.D., Professor at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Wednesday, April 23
“I Plagiarized My Child’s Birth”: From Extreme Plagiarism to Contextualized Understanding, Begins at 1PM
Audrey Wick, Professor of English at Blinn College
A Week of Learning Webinars
Join the Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning for a week of webinars dedicated to all things teaching & learning.
Session Options
Fostering Open Policies on Your Campus & Beyond
PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR – OER leaders from Tacoma Community College, Maricopa Community College District, and Creative Commons share their strategies for successfully growing open educational policies and practices. Stay for a brief dialog to discuss how MCC can open our campus to OER.
Monday, March 24, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175 – Southern & Dobson Campus
Register Now
Ensuring Accessibility in Online Education
LIVE WEBINAR – Colleen Fleming will outline the accessibility requirements for online higher education courses, the accessibility procedures and training that have been implemented at the Adler School of Professional Psychology, and practical ways to ensure that online course content can be used effectively by all students.
Tuesday, March 25, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
CTL Lab AS Building, Room 175- Southern & Dobson Campus
Register Now
Join us for this special webinar!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 – 12:00pm – 1:00pm MST
AS175, Center for Teaching & Learning Lab Room; AS Building – Southern & Dobson Campus
Register Now
Loraine Schmitt, Director of Distance Education
Karen Sorensen, Accessibility Advocate for Online Courses, Portland Community College
Session Description:
Are your online courses accessible? Hear about Portland Community College’s strategy and the lessons staff learned when they addressed accessibility with more than 400 instructors who teach approximately 2,400 sections of online classes within a complex four-campus college. The presenters will share the process they used to roll out their initiative, accessibility guidelines, and their phased approach for reaching the college’s goal of ensuring all online classes are accessible.
Specific strategies include: creating an awareness campaign, developing and implementing faculty training, including accessibility in the new course review process, analyzing the resources needed to retrofit existing online courses for accessibility, and instituting discipline-specific collaboration among online faculty. The presenters will share online resources and review tools.
Sponsored by:
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction
Hosted by:
Mesa Community College Center for Teaching & Learning
Learn More about the ITC (Instructional Technology Council):
Register Now
This event will be archived and made available for a limited time after the presentation.
Questions or Concerns?
Contact the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning
Email: ctl@mesacc.edu
Telephone: (480) 461-7331