SENDAS Cultural Responsiveness
During the Title V SENDAS grant-funded years, all employees at MCC will have access to professional development that fosters cultural responsiveness in life and work.

SENDAS Faculty and Staff Trainings
MCC employees have access to fully online training hosted by Vector Solutions. The course libraries list the course titles, training duration, and descriptions. Access the training courses via a Canvas self-enroll link.
One-time only: Employees that earn all 4 training badges will be eligible for a $300 one-time payment for grant research. Completers will receive an email invitation from SENDAS staff to participate.

Scheduled Professional Development
Explore SENDAS eligible professional development sessions that are available on the CTL calendar.

College Courses
Use your employee tuition waiver and enroll into any of the SENDAS eligible MCC courses.
Professional Development Payment Opportunity
MCC employees that complete ten hours of SENDAS Project professional development may be eligible for a $300 one-time payment for grant research. Completers will receive an email invitation from SENDAS staff to participate.
To earn the payment the employee must:
- acknowledge research parameters, and
- submit an artifact to show the application of cultural responsiveness to your work at MCC.
Research components should be completed outside of regular work hours. Employees are only eligible for a single one-time payment per term for this professional development. Payments are limited to grant funding.