SENDAS Mindfulness
Mindfulness as a focus of professional development improves the college experience by promoting strategies that help calm and focus the mind. Not only can faculty and staff benefit from mindfulness to help manage the difficulties of life and stressors of community college work, but mindfulness practices applied to instruction and student supports significantly benefit students. Research has shown that mindfulness practices facilitate a wide variety of positive learning outcomes and well-being for students, including increased attention, focus, and emotional regulation (Clarke, 2019).
During the Title V SENDAS grant-funded years, all employees at MCC will have access to mindfulness professional development.
Mindfulness Development

Mindfulness Virtual Trainings for Employees
MCC employees have access to fully online Mindfulness training courses via Canvas. The course library lists the course titles, training duration, and descriptions. Access the training courses via a Canvas self-enroll link on the faculty and staff and student library pages.

College Courses
Use your MCC employee tuition waiver and enroll into SWU250: Mindfulness for Stress Management. This 3-credit course meets the Social Behavior general requirement for MCCCD degrees.
Find a class: MCC Class Schedule
For more meditation podcasts, please view our Mindful Minutes playlist.
Professional Development Payment Opportunity
MCC employees that complete ten hours of SENDAS Project professional development may be eligible for a $300 one-time payment for grant research. Completers will receive an email invitation from SENDAS staff to participate.
To earn the payment the employee must:
- acknowledge research parameters,
- submit an artifact to show the application of mindfulness to your work at MCC, and
- agree to participate in a focus group (if available).
Research components should be completed outside of regular work hours. Employees are only eligible for a single one-time payment per term for this professional development. Payments are limited to grant funding.