Categories for Web Development


Many readers might have wondered where we were during the posts in between November and the start of Spring Semester. We had a little challenge with our blog software, but we are obviously back online now, thanks to James Bowles who has been serving as our new Systems Administrator.

As for myself, I’ve been very busy since returning to the CTL after a semester-long sabbatical leave to finish a master’s degree in Educational Technology at ASU. It’s done and I’m back and although I’ve been really struggling to find time to do everything I want to as well as serve the needs of the CTL faculty it’s been fun.


Web Media Update

I’ve prided myself for a long time on being a liaison for technology and people who aren’t technologists or those who at the very least tolerate it. However I still would like to contribute to the web development community regardless of whether they are developing e-Learning or educational software interfaces or not. With that said, I would like to emphasize that my first degree was in software engineering, so I am an engineer at heart. Therefore I will proceed to get a little tech-y…


Internet Explorer: Top Notch Browser?

Well… Microsoft Internet Explorer does it again! Today I was doing some work on some highly stylized HTML lists. I began to do my normal routine of looking at the web page in various browsers. Everything was looking great, but then came Internet Explorer 6! I noticed that it had placed quite a bit of extra space between each list item. Investigation started! (more…)