Tag Archive: web based teaching
Important Notices
Bounce Back from Inbox Message Issues
An unexpected change in the way Canvas handles user email addresses may have an impact on the sending and receiving messages using standard email. Specifically, when replying to a message that was received in an email account Canvas is now verifying that the email address of the sender matches the preferred contact information provided by that user within Notifications. If they do not match, this may lead to messages being bounced back as undeliverable.
What does this mean for you?
What this means is that if you reply to a Canvas message from your Maricopa Gmail, with one of your email aliases (MEID@mesacc.edu) that does not match the email address that you have used to set up Notifications in Canvas (first.name@mesacc.edu), that message will not be delivered.
What should you do?
Option 1: If you are electing to route your Canvas messages to your Employee Gmail be sure to add your MEID@mesacc.edu account to your preferred contact methods in Canvas and adjust your Notifications for receiving messages accordingly to this account.
Option 2: Within Employee Gmail, remember to select the appropriate alias when replying to a Canvas message. For example, if your preferred contact email address within Canvas is first.name@mesacc.edu then when replying to a message in Gmail select this alias from the “From” field. Note: If you are using an email app from a mobile device, you may not have the ability to change the “From” address when you reply.
Option 3: Streamline your communications by only replying to messages within Canvas. Use Notifications sent to email to alert you to messages to manage in Canvas. The advantage of this option is that you will only have one account to manage and the common issues with routing of messages will be avoided.
Course Deletion
Spring 2014 and older SIS courses (courses with a designated section number) will begin being deleted the third week in September. All course materials and student information associated with those courses will be deleted. These courses will also no longer appear in your course menu, inbox or calendar list.
What does this mean for you?
Please create archives of the courses if you think you want to keep/reuse any of the content. The archive (export file) can be imported into another Canvas course at a later time. Note: A course export does not include student records.
Canvas Community
Canvas launched an updated Community feature for users in April. The Community is a resource for students and instructors to find helpful guides on how to use Canvas, as well as to participate in feature discussions, find best practices and more.
What does this mean for you?
All the links to old Canvas Guides will remain functional, however, we recommend moving any support links you provide to students to the new community guides as the old guides will no longer be updated.
Canvas Update Cycle
Update Cycle Canvas is on a 3-week update-release cycle. The next beta (preview) release is on 9/8, production notes will follow on 9/14 with the release and documentation to follow on 9/19. Follow the release schedule on the Canvas Updates Calendar.
What’s New in Canvas?
Clone Group Sets
Groups will have you seeing seeing double the awesome!
Canvas allows for student group work either independently of assignments (study groups) or within the Assignment or Discussion features (group projects, activities, etc.). Moving students from groups caused a variety of issues once student work for that assignment had been submitted. In this latest update, Canvas has added a warning to instructors if they try to modify a group set that has existing student submissions. Instructors can choose to modify the group, or they can clone the existing group set.

Learn more about Groups in Canvas.
How can this feature be used?
- Remove or add a student to a group for a future assignment without having to redo the group set-up or disrupting grading.
What will it look like?
Cloning a group set will copy the entire group set, including all groups, group leaders, and memberships; instructors can then make changes. Group sets can also be cloned at any time in the Settings menu for the group set.
Other Updates
External URLs in the SpeedGrader
When assessing web links (URLs) submitted in the SpeedGrader, a new link will appear to open the submission in a new tab. Learn more about the SpeedGrader.
Canvas Mobile
Review the latest improvements to the iOS and Android Canvas Apps.
Time Zones
Canvas has improved the accuracy of the displayed time even if a user’s computer browser and Canvas profile are set in different time zones, Canvas will display the profile time zone in a user’s account settings. Learn more about User Settings.
Review the Release Notes for more updates & bug fixes.
Did You Know?
Accessibility of Canvas: A Product Commitment
Instructure, the makers of Canvas, are committed to creating a learning environment for all users. Canvas is built on modern coding technologies and is dedicated to meeting web accessibility guidelines.
Learn about the basic accessibility features of Canvas or review the Canvas Voluntary Product Accessibility Template to more deeply understand Canvas’ conformance with the accessibility standards under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Accessible Content: Our Commitment
Although Canvas is constantly striving to meet and improve upon its accessibility, this does not guarantee that a course is accessible. Only we can ensure the accessibility of the content we place in Canvas.
5 Tips for More Accessible Courses in Canvas
Tip 1: Layout & Design
Keep it simple and clean. Chunk information and use the descriptive header styles built in to the Rich Content Editor. When using color font, select high contrast options. Use the WAVE Tool to check your text-based content for accessibility.
Tip 2: Images
Alternative (alt) text is required to provide a text alternative to non-text content or images in web pages and digital files. Embed images in Canvas to provide a descriptive text that will be read to those using a screen reader. Learn how to embed images in the Rich Content Editor.
Tip 3: Links
Ditch the “click here” or pasted web address links for descriptive words that link to a web URL. This will help all users understand where a link will go before they click on it. Learn more about descriptive links.
Tip 4: Captions & Transcripts
All videos should be captioned and a transcript alternative available for audio podcasts. Videos uploaded to Canvas can be captioned by the built in resource Amara. Learn how to create captions for new or uploaded Canvas videos.
Tip 5: Files
Verify that MS Word, PowerPoint, PDF and other non-native files to Canvas pass accessibility guidelines. For MS Office, use the accessibility checker utility to quickly scan and correct errors or learn how to create accessible PDF documents.
Learning Opportunities
MCCCD Canvas Webinar Learning Series
Join the Maricopa Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) for the fall Canvas Series. For nine weeks the CTLs will provide you with up-to-date informational sessions on tools, instructional techniques, and best practices for Canvas. Each campus will specialize in a topic important to Maricopa faculty. Sessions will be held in Adobe Connect so you may attend from anywhere. Topics include:
- Humanizing and Social Presence in Online Courses (Register)
- Using Collaborative and Social Tools in Canvas (Register)
- Alternative Ways to Use the Quiz Tool in Canvas (Register)
- Using Groups in Canvas to Achieve Learning Goals (Register)
- Practical Peer Review Tips in Canvas (Register)
- Grading the Easy Way: Using Rubrics in Canvas (Register)
- Embedding Google Docs and Using Google Apps in Canvas (Register)
- Using Images to Enhance Content Delivery in Canvas (Register)
- Module Release in Canvas (Register)
MCC Center for Teaching & Learning
Appointments, Workshops and Customized Sessions
The CTL is your partner as you implement innovative teaching, learning and workplace strategies. From general support, to consultation services, and/or tailored workshops, we are here to help you, your department, program or team reach your goals for student success.
The CTL provides day-to-day support for faculty and staff on technology, teaching and productivity issues including Canvas. Stop by our offices, send us an email or give us a call for support or to set-up an appointment. We are here for you!
- Canvas Instructor Orientation is an open enrollment course that will walk you through the basics of setting up a new course in Canvas. To enroll, simply click on the “Join this course” button on the Course Home Page. There is no facilitator, but it is a good series of self-paced exercises.
- Canvas Instructor Video Guides contain quick and informative video tutorials to get you started with Canvas.
- Canvas Guides are available that cover all major features of Canvas. They can be searched by topic (e.g. Assignments, Discussions, etc.) or by user/type (e.g. Instructor, Mobile, etc.) and are formatted as easy to navigate and mostly image-based walk thru demonstrations of how to use a particular feature. Best practice tip? Share relevant Student Guides in your Canvas course to help students be more successful in using Canvas.
- Canvas Live provides free webinar trainings on a variety of best practices with teaching and learning on Canvas topics. Join a live session or if you can’t make it .” target=”_blank”>sessions are archived for later viewing.
- MCC Center for Teaching & Learning How-To Documents include a variety of helpful how-to guides such as the Getting Started with Canvas in 10 Steps resource.
- MCCCD Canvas Help Area provides how-to documents, and support information to all Canvas users, students and faculty.
- [Student Resource] MCC Canvas101 is an open enrollment, self-paced course that introduces students to Canvas and walks them through the basics of setting user preferences, submitting assignments, replying to discussions, taking quizzes, viewing grades and more! Recommended for all students.
Web-Based Teaching & Learning
Prepare for or Retool Your Online, Hybrid and Web-Enabled Course
The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in or retool for the unique world of teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats. It can also help support you in web-enabling your ground/face-to-face course.
First, experience the ‘student’ perspective of online learning in CIS236. Get helpful tips to facilitate a course including policies, procedures and content management (copyright and accessibility). Along the way, see what the Canvas learning management system can do to enhance any course format and discover new digital teaching tools to engage learners. Then explore course design and content creation more deeply in CIS 237. Build engaging assignments, group activities and integrate technology to support learners’ needs.
Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a duplicative structure for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class or supporting a ground/face-to-face course with an online presence.
Advantages of the Open Entry Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Entry format for the Fall 2015.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date (8/24 – 10/16)
- Set your own pace over the 8 week period
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu. (SIS will be unavailable until February 16)
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers: http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you have difficulties registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #24269
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Fall 2015 (Open Entry) – Choose a start date between August 24 and October 16. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #24270
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Fall 2015 (Open Entry) – Choose a start date between August 24 and October 16. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Relax & Retool: CIS236 & CIS237 Online at MCC Summer 2015
Prepare for or Retool Your Online, Hybrid and Web-Enabled Course
Enjoy the summer and learn too! The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in or retool for the unique world of teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats. It can also help support you in web-enabling your ground/face-to-face course. The courses are offered online and open entry so that you can learn, even when lounging on the beach! Take advantage of this convenient and flexible option to build your teaching toolbox!
First, experience the ‘student’ perspective of online learning in CIS236. Get helpful tips to facilitate a course including policies, procedures and content management (copyright and accessibility). Along the way, see what the Canvas learning management system can do to enhance any course format and discover new digital teaching tools to engage learners. Then explore course design and content creation more deeply in CIS 237. Build engaging assignments, group activities and integrate technology to support learners’ needs.Take away a duplicative structure to build effective course modules.
Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a helpful model for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class or supporting a ground/face-to-face course with an online presence.
Advantages of the Open Entry Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Entry format for the Summer 2015.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date from May 26 – June 5.
- Set your own pace over an 8 week period.
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu.
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, *if eligible apply a Tuition Waiver
*Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers: http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you need assistance registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #16166
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Summer 2015 (Open Entry) – Choose a start date fromMay 26 – June 5. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #16167
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Summer 2015 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date from May 26 – June 5. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Free Online VoiceThread Workshops
The MCC CTL is excited to recommend VoiceThread’s next series of workshops for May and June! VoiceThread is a teaching and learning tool that we currently have a license for at Mesa Community College. It is as unique platform desgined to engage learners in conversations around multimedia. Common uses of VoiceThread include presentations, projects, storytelling, debates, discussions, portfolios and more! It is a great tool for all course formats and easily integrates with the Canvas LMS within assignments and in the gradebook.
Learn more about VoiceThread.
Sign-up for these hands-on, FREE sessions to learn how VoiceThread can enhance your courses.
Lesson Design Series
- Teaching Reading and Writing – May 20th at 7:00pm ET – Register Now
- Student Portfolios – June 3rd at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – June 9th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
- Flipped, Blended, and Hybrid Classes – June 17th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
Basic VT Skills
- Uploading, Commenting, and Sharing – May 13th at 7:00pm ET – Register Now
- VoiceThread in your LMS – June 24th at 3:00pm ET – Register Now
About the Workshops
These workshops are completely free. Each session is led by George Haines, an instructional designer and former educator. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.
VoiceThread Quick Reference
VoiceThread Manual
Quality Matters APPQMR In-Person Session offered Friday, April 17 at GWCC
Register Now (Registration through HRMS/Time & Labor)
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, research-based, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to acknowledge the quality of online/hybrid courses. The QM framework, implemented through a rubric, is about course design and making your course navigation and structure intuitive, so that students’ questions will be more focused on the content of your course. QM recognized courses improve both student learning outcomes, student success, and retention.
Workshop Details
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric presented by the MCC CTL & Hosted by GWCC
Friday, April 17, 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. (Lunch Included) GateWay Community College – MA Building, Room 1440 (Campus Map)
COURSE#001515, Section #0008; Register Now
Now featuring the Fifth Edition Rubric!
The Quality Matters course is designed to help you prepare your course for QM certification and is a prerequisite for the QM Peer Reviewer Certification (PRC) Course. This in-depth workshop explains each of the QM Rubric Standards through interactive activities and assignments. Participants will complete the training with tools and ideas to design your course to meet QM standards and skills to become a Quality Matters peer reviewer.
How do I register for the Quality Matters at MCC course? Who can register?
Registration is through the HRMS (MCCCD Time & Labor) system. View detailed registration instructions. Anyone in MCCCD interested in the QM Process and Rubric is welcome to attend.
Visit Our Quality Learning Site | Learn More About the MCC CTL | See Our Full Calendar
Questions? Contact Us:
Mesa Community College
Center for Teaching & Learning
(480) 731-7331
Web-Based Teaching & Learning
Prepare for or Retool Your Online, Hybrid and Web-Enabled Course
The CIS 236 and CIS 237 series is designed to help you get started in or retool for the unique world of teaching & learning in the hybrid and online formats. It can also help support you in web-enabling your ground/face-to-face course.
First, experience the ‘student’ perspective of online learning in CIS236. Get helpful tips to facilitate a course including policies, procedures and content management (copyright and accessibility). Along the way, see what the Canvas learning management system can do to enhance any course format and discover new digital teaching tools to engage learners. Then explore course design and content creation more deeply in CIS 237. Build engaging assignments, group activities and integrate technology to support learners’ needs.
Instructors will complete the series with practical tips, researched pedagogy and a duplicative structure for building and facilitating an online or hybrid format class or supporting a ground/face-to-face course with an online presence.
Advantages of the Open Entry / Open Exit Format
Mesa Community College is offering CIS236 and CIS237 in the Open Exit/Open Exit format for the Spring 2015.
Flexible Learning!
- Pick your own start date (1/19 – 3/13)
- Set your own pace over an 8 week period
- No hard deadlines.
Enroll Today
Enrollment through My.Maricopa.edu. (SIS will be unavailable until February 16)
- Complete your Student Information Form
- Register for Class
- Pay for the course, Learn About MCCCD Tuition Waivers:http://www.maricopa.edu/publicstewardship/resources/tw.php
If you have difficulties registering or have questions about these courses, contact the instructor:
CIS 236: Web Based Teaching & Learning I (2 credits), Section #31761
Experience using a web-based learning environment from an online student’s perspective. Use communication tools, submit assignments, use evaluation tools, and navigate an online-learning environment. Introduction to the basics of online pedagogy and lots of hands-on experience with a web-based learning environment and digital teaching tools! Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS 133DA, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for override code.
- Offered fully online during Spring 2015 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between January 19 and March 13. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
CIS 237: Web Based Teaching & Learning II (3 credits), Section #31762
Discuss theories, methods, and best practices for designing, developing, and delivering an online course including Classroom Assessment Techniques, Flipped Classroom, Quality Matters and more. Create an online or hybrid course module using a web-based learning environment. Prerequisites: CIS 236, or permission of instructor. Contact instructor for concurrent enrollment code (allowing students to take CIS236 and CIS237 simultaneously).
- Offered fully online during Spring 2015 (Open Entry/Open Exit) – Choose a start date between January 19 and March 13. Students will have 8 weeks to finish the course from the start date.
Call for Gold Star Applications
Mentees and Mentors Spring 2015
Application Due Date, Thurs. Feb 5, 5 pm
The MCC Center for Teaching & Learning in collaboration with the eLearning Committee announces the Call for Applications for Mentees and Mentors to participate in the Gold Star Program for Spring 2015. Gold Star is a faculty-centered, training and peer-review process to support MCC faculty developers (mentee) to redesign an existing or develop a new Internet or hybrid course based on the QM Rubric. The Spring 2015 Program includes both individuals and/or collaborative teams.
Faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course.
Collaborative Teams:
Inner-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary faculty interested in re-designing an existing or developing a new online or hybrid course. Not to exceed more than 3 members per team.
Additionally, the faculty developers are paired with a Gold Star Program Mentor. The Mentor supports with the design of the Mentee’s online or hybrid course.
Program Dates:

To learn more about the Gold Star Program and to submit an application to participate as Gold Star Mentee or Mentor, go to: Gold Star
Questions – Contact – Annapurna Ganesh, Gold Star Coordinator
Email: aganesh@mesacc.edu; Phone: 480-461-7305
Be CyberSecure!
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This month is designed to engage and raise awareness of important cyber security issues in an effort to limit risk in the digital age.
Throughout this month MCCCD has been sponsoring activities and events to make the district aware of important security concerns.
Join the Discussion at MCC
Stop.Think.Connect. Learn how to Secure Your Assets with MCC’s Director of IT Security Planning, Jeremy Kurtz, who will introduce the “Tbird Top Ten” cyber security tips. An important session for all MCC employees.
Co-hosted by College Technology Services and the Center for Teaching & Learning.
Wednesday, October 29, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., Brown Bag Session
AS175, Center for Teaching & Learning Lab Room; AS Building – Southern & Dobson Campus [Please Bring your own lunch.]
Come alone OR bring your team.
Questions or Concerns?
Contact the MCC Center for Teaching & Learning
Email: ctl@mesacc.edu
Telephone: (480) 461-7331
A Festival of Learning Just for You
The Center for Teaching & Learning will be holding its 3rd Annual Fall Tech & Teach Fest Monday, October 20 through Friday, October 24 on the Southern and Dobson Campus.
What is the Fest?
The Fall Tech & Teach fest is a week of activities to support teaching & learning at MCC. The week will consist of sessions, discussions, hands-on demonstrations and other events that address excellence in education pedagogy and technology. All MCCCD faculty and staff welcome. Attend one or attend all, we hope to see you there! Register soon for this festival of learning.
Topics will include:

Google, Canvas (conferences, collaborations, apps and other best kept secrets), VoiceThread (discussions around media), Nearpod (interactive presentations), Accessibility, Video Production, Outcome-based Learning, Designing for Online Learning, Building Effective Discussions, Kahoot (course polling/gaming) and more! See the Full Fest Guide for a day-to-day listing and description of all sessions and events. Topics are both staff and faculty oriented.
Event Maker Party!
Join us for food, fun and making! Learn how to create web mashables and applications to engage learners in content & activities for your program or course. Quickly remix web content, video, audio, images and pages using free web-based Maker Tools. Also feel free to bring your thoughts and ideas from any of the sessions throughout the week. Fest staff will be on hand to answer questions and help you develop your projects. Register Now.
See the Event Full Calendar:
Fall 2014 Tech & Teach Fest Guide
Sessions will be hosted in the CTL Room AS175, AS Building; Southern & Dobson Campus.
Register Now!
Register through the HRMS (Time & Labor System)
Registration Instructions
Having trouble registering? Call us at (480) 461-7331 and we will register you. Questions? Send us an email at ctl@mesacc.edu.

Earn a Badge!
All event attendees will earn a 2014 Fall Fest Digital Badge. Earn and share your sills, accomplishments and professional development with others. Learn more about digital badging.
* We apologize, but C.A.F.E. Funds have been exhausted for this semester.
** Sessions with low enrollment may be canceled up to 24 hours prior to the start time/date.
Adobe Connect Pilot at MCC this Fall
What is Adobe Connect?
Are you interested in conducting online live classroom sessions or office hours? Adobe Connect might be for you!
Adobe Connect is the premier resource for online live classroom and web conferencing solutions for eLearning and business applications. Their comprehensive product provides a safe platform for faculty to deliver virtual real-time class presentations and host office hours with features such as: screen and file sharing, video/audio capture, mobile device support, session recording, live polling and more! Learn more about Adobe Connect features.
Call for Pilot Participants
MCCCD is currently looking for 25 faculty at each campus to pilot Adobe Connect for instructional applications (live classroom presentations, office hours, etc.) in the Fall 2014. Interested persons should complete the MCC Google Form for Join the Pilot.
Purpose of Pilot
This trial will help MCCCD determine if Adobe Connect can meet our live classroom needs and help us build a license and support structure for a district wide implementation. Pilot participants will be expected to provide feedback to the college on their experience with Adobe Connect via a survey and to attend a virtual meeting using Adobe Connect to learn the product.
Contact the Center for Teaching & Learning for more information at
ctl@mesacc.edu or (480) 461-7372.